Text to speech


Antediluvian as Feck
I'm looking for good, free, text to speech programs (other than microsoft sam), preferrably with different languages and male/female voices. I found one and installed it, but didn't get how to make it work (Mbrola) so it should be user-friendly.
Could you post some links where I can download the tools (if they're for free)?

I just once needed such a tool, so I used the T2S function of FL STUDIO.

You can download a FL STUDIO demo version here .
It has ALL the functions of the full version but you CAN'T save your projects.

You can pic different voice modulations, pitch them, cut them in slices and even add VST plugin FX in realtime. Cool, eh?
Coolspeech maybe? Quite good, and you can export any text to a .wav file. Got my Windows closing sound from this.
Har har har, monsharen. No, it's mostly for use with my laptop when I'm too lazy to speak, or just want to pull pranks.