Textures disappear in the GECK


First time out of the vault
When I first run the GECK, everything seems to work fine. But eventually, textures will start to sort of "disappear" in the render window. What I mean by that is one side of an object, or sometimes the whole object, will become invisible. For example, I put a medical cart on the floor, left the GECK open for awhile, and the cart was gone.

This is NOT a matter of the object being moved behind a wall or something, because if I click on it in the object list, the red, blue, and green outline will clearly show that it was where I left it. Also, textures will be screwed up in the preview window.

I am wondering if this is a possible bug with Intel graphics.

Here is an example: http://i.imgur.com/J5E532D.png

You can see that part of the wall texture is showing through the lockers. Also, that calendar/planner is on top of an invisible desk.