TGWTG/Online reviwers


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
I am just curious about how many of us here are familiar with That Guy With The Glasses site or other internet movie/video game reviewers.

I know that at least one or two here are familiar with The Cinema Snob.

So... let's hear how many of us are here... or just the sound of crickets...?
James Rolfe pretty much dominates everyone else in this genre. I have followed the Angry Video Game Nerd since the start and he has only got increasingly better.


James was one of the first to do it and do it successfully. The imitators irk me quite a bit to be honest.
The Amazing Atheist actually does some pretty good reviews outside of youtube...

Cinema snob had me at ET The Porno...
Yup, you have to give it to James, he was the first, video games wise at least. Since he is associated with TGWTG in a way I was kind of including him too when I mentioned the site. But some of the others have some really good stuff too.

I don't know most of the other reviewers from TGWTG or other sites. I am currently just fallowing James Rolfe, Noah Antwiler and Brad Jones. I've also recently been fallowing Diamanda Hagan, she's is not as well known as most of the others, but her stuff is just wacky!

Brad Jones has been doing some more "original stuff", not just reviewing, he made a miniseries/short film in 5 chapters "Hooker With a Hearth of Gold" that was quite good. Also some of his reviewing formats, like "The Big Box" are different from the others.

I also follow Radio Dead Air broadcasts every Monday night.
A little funny quirk you all might appreciate.

Here is a link to a multi part review the AVGN did on the Jaguar. This is part one.

Naturally once you are done with that you are going to scroll over to the right and click part 2. There are two options there, the second one just title "Atari Jaguar Part 2" is the one most of us seem to follow, it however takes you to this video:

I sincerely thought I was following the right link until the video started and I was like WTF James seriously gained some weight. I loled at all the videos of people saying "ITS A TRAP!" as well, apparently I was not the only one who followed the wrong link.
I've been following Mr. Rolfe and Mr. Walker for quite some time now.
The AVGN is subscribed on Youtube I regularly check up on
Both make really great reviews and it's always fun to watch them.
AVGN had quite some imitators, I guess, the most prominent being the Irate Gamer, probably. Watched one video of him, turned it off. Sucked.
Yup, I don't like "imitators" either. The irate gamer is a clear example of it. But the other ones I follow have their very own distinct styles, I don't think they imitate anyone except for the fact that they do reviews. That's like saying George Lukas imitates Coppola because they both do movies.