the addon called Operation....


First time out of the vault
not sure if anyone has or had that problem, but since i updated F3 and had OA installed, my screen ingame freezes very very often.
I mean i have a quadcore, 4gb ram, Gforce 8800GT and vista 64 running. Shouldn't that be ok?
Before everything was fine, never any freezes. Oh, i updated my nvidia drivers, but still happens.
yester64 said:
not sure if anyone has or had that problem, but since i updated F3 and had OA installed, my screen ingame freezes very very often.
I mean i have a quadcore, 4gb ram, Gforce 8800GT and vista 64 running. Shouldn't that be ok?
Before everything was fine, never any freezes. Oh, i updated my nvidia drivers, but still happens.

Nope the patched version is having massive issues in 64bit. I do believe that in order to use OA you must be patched. If your not patched then it may be the same issue in OA as the new patch for 64bit.
actually i found out that it is the lag of quad core support or better anything over 2 cores.
There is a supposetly solution to make some changes in the fallout.ini


search for the first line and change it to 1
add the second line after the first to force max 2 core

that file is located in user\name\documents\my games\fallout
for vista that is.