The American Image


Antediluvian as Feck


Factoids of the day

Our Founding Fathers fought against Brittish Empire to have the true separation of church and state.

Everybody knows the pledge of allegiance.

Well, let's review...

... one Nation, under God, indivisible, ....

Catchy little number, isn't it?

Too bad the "under God" bit wasn't even in there until the 1950's when Joe McCarthy was running around scaring everybody up into a modern witchhunt frenzy. Is that really something we want to be proud of?

Do we really need 9/11 to have the same results on the church/state issue?

Not only that...

According to the Flag Rules and Regulations section in my Camp Staff Manual, it is disrespectful to the flag if it's shown with advertisements. The manuals are updated every summer, but that part probably hasn't changed since the 1960's or '50's.

I tried to find similar postings of that online, but I can't find anything that mentions that.

Just look at how much the American image has been whored out for religion and profit.

I'm sick of it...
Amen brother.

You and I? Like this (Murdoch does that eye to eye thing with his hand)
Has the face of America really changed that much over only forty to fifty years?

Honestly people, this is a travesty.


Hey Murdoch, that was pretty good.

Are you familiar with the motorcylists' "hello" hand signal that gets exchanged whenever two riders of the same dream pass each other by down the highway of life?

Well, what you and I have is something like that....
Our Founding Fathers fought against Brittish Empire to have the true separation of church and state.
Yeah, because the founding fathers where a bunch of screaming atheists. There is a diffirence between Secularized and State sponsored Atheisim, and Pluralisim.
I would argue that there are Pluralist strains in America, and if anything it is alot more Pluralist then Secularized. I belive that *technically* the US recognizes a higher power, hence it being Pluraliist, not Secular.

And there was alot more at stake. Like Democracy- George III was the worst king for English Democracy sense the Stewards. And of course was a very varied movement, with deep roots in Classical economic theroy, Diesim, Montesquie-esque Democracy. It was the pinacle of the Enlgihtenment, bringing in everything from that great peoriod of human learning, hence it was not only about Religious matters.
The founding fathers wernt a "bunch of screaming athiests" you ass. Most of them were of one Christian cult or another.

I do however agree that the US has somewhat a Pluralist view as a whole. However, that is not always true.

As far as "one nation under god" in the pledge of allegiance. Most places dont require a person to make any statements that involve god at all.
CCR said:
Yeah, because the founding fathers where a bunch of screaming atheists. There is a diffirence between Secularized and State sponsored Atheisim, and Pluralisim.
I would argue that there are Pluralist strains in America, and if anything it is alot more Pluralist then Secularized. I belive that *technically* the US recognizes a higher power, hence it being Pluraliist, not Secular.
Care to share it with me then?

Don't just say that it's perfectly acceptable to have the Post 9/11 American image the way it is?

Tell me why religion is perfectly acceptable to be supporting a dominant religion. I'd be interested to hear what you have to say.

You're missing the point. What is done in the name of America in the general public these days would be revolting to those who had the real American spirit. Yes, I'm talking about the spirit to be yourself and to be able to be free of pre-fabricated opinions being forced down your throat everywhere.
The founding fathers weren’t a "bunch of screaming atheists" you ass. Most of them were of one Christian cult or another.
Rhymes with "Orgasm"

Don't just say that it's perfectly acceptable to have the Post 9/11 American image the way it is?
Well, the only official language of this nation is English. Seeing as "Theists" and "Deists" certainly make up a vast majority in this nation, to an extent it seems entirely okay to do it. Am I advocating a dictatorship of the majority? Of course not. It just so happens that this nation *is* pluralistic, not secular or atheistic, therefore there is *no* problem with it. THere is a problem with advocating a particular religion, which made the 10 Commandments thing pretty stupid, but it should be A-OKAY to say "God" once in a while

Not only that, but it is, to some extent, it is just a saying, it just so happens that thruought the Christian world we do not distinguish between the Christian God and another. For instance, for Islamic purposes Turkish uses the Arabic word Allah, while for other purposes (such as the equivilent of “God save ----“, they use the word Tanri, which, oddly enough, derives from the name of an Altaic deity.
Dude, wtf Elly? Cult? C'mon man, just because one christian pisses you off, you can't call all Christians cult fanatics without understanding them all. Let's not get into another religious debat please! You people really need to learn the definition of hypocrisy. You sit here tell me not to preach pro-American views, or pro-Christian things or you will bash and flame me, yet you bash and flame America and Christianity all the fucking time (not all of you, of course). Ozrat, if you're pissed off that Under God is in our pledge, then take it up with Congress, instead of bitching here. What the hell do you want us to do about it? Or do you just want to please yourself by seeing people agree with you and begin to bash Christianity?

And what is the Camp Staff Manual? Is it just for your camp, or is it a law?
Paladin, my man, you're missing the whole fucking point here.

I'm not making this a religious debate. I'm simply stating you the history and evolution of the American Image and how it's changed ever so drastically over such a short period of time thanks to the powers of mass hysteria.

Give me one good reason why it's good to have the product of the McCarthy Era still floating around in our official Pledge of Allegiance when it clearly breaks the rules of church/state separation.

Oh sure, I could take it up against Congress, but what would be the point when there are so many people like you who are ignorant on the subject? I'm trying to educate the public here.

And I'm serious about the flag rules that I read. Fuck the fact that it happens to be in a camp manual. The real point here is that forty to fifty years ago people held much more respect towards how they treated the flag. Nowadays you see it being shown with every other commercial on TV and just about at least once per newspaper page. You call this respecting what the flag means? Hell no.

I have no issue with America. It's just the people who have a misguided view of what it means that irk me.
Ignorant? Dude, I pledged my allegience to the U.S. under God. It's not ignorance, it's the fact that I have stated my loyaties to a country under God. And we Christians happend to beleive one day God will return to Earth and if America ever is dumb enough to face him, if I am around when that happens/if America is around and decides to face him, I no longer would owe my allegience to the U.S. because I pledged to a nation under God, not above him. It's not ignorance you accusing person, it's my faith. And you complain we ruin the flag, honestly, this is the first time I've seen you care about America or the flag. Plus, if you want to talk freedom of religion, ever hear of freedom of speech? They aren't burning it for crying out loud. Plus, what makes you think that the phrase "under God" is just refering to the Christian God?
So you want to live under a religious leadership? Okay, that's great because you have the right to do so.

Just don't force it down my throat.

You still haven't given me a valid reason why the "under God" bit is still being taught as a part of the official Pledge of Allegiance. The same pledge that schoolchildren of America have to recite every morning without knowing the true story behind it. That's not what America stands for no matter how much you would like it to be so.

I never said having a faith is being ignorant. It's expecting other people to have it forced into their lives because it got associated with the American name a few decades ago through shady means that I find ignorant.

Paladin Solo, you've been shown on several occasions recently that your knowledge of American issues are inadequte. Please don't continue to accuse me of that without having a decent example why what I've said here is incorrect.

So do you have anything to counter me with or are you just rambling again?

EDIT: Noticed you added that last little line right after I posted.

Plus, what makes you think that the phrase "under God" is just refering to the Christian God?
The fact that it was added in there by a Christian fanatic? What about those who choose not to have a God at all?
Paladin Solo said:
And we Christians happend to beleive one day God will return to Earth and if America ever is dumb enough to face him, if I am around when that happens/if America is around and decides to face him, I no longer would owe my allegience to the U.S. because I pledged to a nation under God, not above him.

To paraphrase something my grandmother used to tell me: "Believe in one hand, shit in the other; see which one gets full faster."

Faith and ignorance may not be the same things, but faith is a lot close to ignorance than it is to knowledge. Perhaps one day you'll realize that and then perhaps you will understand why it is that people don't necessarily wish to live their lives based simply on someone's conception of reality based on faith rather than reason and empirical evidence.

Debating you is a lot like kicking a puppy, PS: it's so easy that there's no sport in it. Not to mention that it at least verges on cruelty if not actually plummeting headlong into it.

When or where did I ever say you were incorrect? Rambling you say? I'm not the one who posted this topic Ozrat. Reread my last thread. I edited it but I didn't know you posted while I was editing it. And dude, it's not being forced down your throat. Who says you must pledge your allegience? Or say that phrase?
Ozrat, it is very late to bring this up, in my opinion.

The day of the terrorism 9/11, I made a bet with a friend we would hear a "God Bless America" on the TV before the end of the day. Of course I won. It was all too prdictable that the nation would become super-patriotic and super-religious after this occurrence, simply for the fact that people needed something to latch onto, to come together, and to give a sense of security with this unity versus evil.

As shocked as I was about the attacks, I was almost as completely shocked that nobody said a thing about the increasing dominance of religious and clearly fundamentalist views that both the government and media were using to approach this topic. It was amazing that nobody claiming to be from a "separation of church & state" organization said a thing. Prove me wrong, please. I would prefer to be wrong.

Thing is, it is almost too late. The government has already used religion as a quasi-reason to exterminate the Al-Quaeda, and to invade Iraq. The religious fervor and zealotry in combination with the fanatical patriotism made Americans unquestionable of the things the administration has done, which would otherwise have been questioned.

However, I don't think the arm of the government can continue to operate with religion as it's right-hand man (or woman :)). Eventually, people like you and Murdoch, and me (to some extent) will challenge this alliance, and we will have the separation once again.

While you may try to "educate" or whatever, we notice what's going on. The ignorant are those that follow unquestionably. Arguable the best gorvernment in a wartime situation is a dictatorship, but it's time the dictatorship left. Time for the fanatics and zealots to relinquish control. It's gone on long enough.

Enough of the propaganda of "America is fighting God's War."

Yeah. Sorry for the long post.

And Ozrat... *tries to do the eye to eye thing with the hand, but pokes his eyes instead* Ouch.
I guess Chrisitians are just plain ignorant and can't have an opinion? Silly me. Continue with your debate of how Christianity is an ignorant cult.

Ignorance huh? Ha!
OnTheBounce said:
Faith and ignorance may not be the same things, but faith is a lot close to ignorance than it is to knowledge. Perhaps one day you'll realize that and then perhaps you will understand why it is that people don't necessarily wish to live their lives based simply on someone's conception of reality based on faith rather than reason and empirical evidence.

Faith is a lot different then ignorance. If you read the book called "The Case for Christ", you'll read about lots of people who became Christians only after reading through the Bible and researching things such as how reliable our evidence of Jesus is - they found that the evidence overwhelmingly pointed to Jesus having been the Messiah. (Granted, that book is kind of biased - I've been trying to find a book of the opposite viewpoint to read and get a balanced picture - but the fact that those historians and archeologists converted after doing the research remains)

I'd cite similar examples from other religions, but I don't know enough about them to make a convincing argument.

I won't comment on what relationship religion should have to the United States, because I'm not American and don't really know.
But I will bring up the point that some of you are using "religion" where "Christanity" would be a lot more appropriate.
Christianity is fine.

It is bad when mixed up with a government agenda (at least the USA cause I live here). It is bad when people follow this agenda, and follow it unheedingly and unquestioningly. It is bad when people defend this fanatically and emotionally.

The USA has turned into a government pushing religion to further its agenda. Since 9/11. And people have bought it. Whenever an issue crops up, Bush uses the God will save the faithful (The USA) and uses the unity that God brings people to shoulder the criticism.

Last time I checked, I was living in a country with separated church and state. This was a good thing. I liked it. It is sooooo annoying now.

Conclusion: Christianity is not a cult, nor are the members ignorant. Well, that's IMHO when political correctness counts.
toresica said:
But I will bring up the point that some of you are using "religion" where "Christanity" would be a lot more appropriate.

Good point.

However, the administration is trying to appeal to all Americans. Not just Christians. Even some non-atheistic, non-religious people can relate to these appeals. People who are non-Christian but are overly patriotic are drawn into this appeal.

This is an appeal not only to Christian Americans but is on the whole a religious appeal. Spiritual appeal, if I may.

Maybe spiritual is more appropriate than religion? But then why all the God stuff? So it is religious.
Paladin Solo said:
When or where did I ever say you were incorrect? Rambling you say? I'm not the one who posted this topic Ozrat. Reread my last thread. I edited it but I didn't know you posted while I was editing it. And dude, it's not being forced down your throat. Who says you must pledge your allegience? Or say that phrase?
Until you can give us a relavent reasoning of why it should remain in the pledge, I suggest you seriously think about what's being said here. Honestly, this is at least the third time I've asked you to provide a counter-argument.

From what I recall, reciting the Pledge of Allegiance was the first thing my class would do every morning from Kindgergarten until around third grade. Assuming things have changed exactly the same, that means every child in that age range has to repeat those two completely unneccessary words on a daily basis for years.

I don't ever recall having to recite the pledge in school after that.

But then 9/11 occured in my senior year of high school. I was going to college on a special deal at the time, so I was pretty much out of touch with how my school was doing during that time. I had to go to my school for some reason or another early one morning. The first thing that I noticed was how there were American flags plastered everywhere, as opposed to the "one flag per room" deal that I was accostomed to seeing. As I was waiting around in the hallways at 8:30 a.m., the PA came on for the daily announcements. But there was something different about it this time. Particularly the fact how they played a recording of the Pledge of Allegiance. I was amazed at this, and started asking my nearby friends when they started doing this. They told me that it started the day after 9/11 and that not much could be discussed about it.

I'm appalled at the way this Pledge is being forcefully thrown at us in our own public schools, especially a corrupt version of it.

PS, like I said, give us a reason why it should stay in the official Pledge of Allegiance.
PS, like I said, give us a reason why it should stay in the official Pledge of Allegiance.
Well, unless Atheisim wants to be viewd as a Religion, I see no way in which it can claim to be persecuted under Religious Discrimination.
And do you think that an Athiest is so weak in his beliefs (or lack thereof) that saying two little words will have his faith (or lack there of) crumbiling to the ground?
And, like I said, "God" is ambiguous. The only religion that does not belive in a God (that springs to mind) are several forms of Buddhisim.
Truth is, the burden of proof is on YOU for saying that there is a dire need to get rid of all patriotisim and all mentioning of God.


Well, first, the nature of American Patriotisim is not the same as mainland, or even the rest of the world PAtriotisim. America was founded on ideals, not a land between two rivers or a racial group. Fail to see what is wrong with that, taking pride in an ideal (which, btw, is EXACTLY what they are doing).

Second, 3,000 people *exaporated*, or jumped out of windows, or burned to death. The bloodiest day in American history sense Antitem.

Third, when was the last time you where there? Are the flags still up?

I'm appalled at the way this Pledge is being forcefully thrown at us in our own public schools, especially a corrupt version of it.
You'd perfer it was the Socialist mumbojumbo that was first uttered?

But then why all the God stuff?
Said it before and I will say it again, "God" is ambiguious. Little Omar Sherrif might have a Muslim God in mind, little Daniel Goldberg might be thinking of a Jewish God, little Sanjay Dravidian might have Shiva in mind, little freaky Danny Black might have Thor, or Athena in mind.

The USA has turned into a government pushing religion to further its agenda.
Yeah, that explains the rise of Gilead in the 1980s. O wait, that was a whole bunch of feminist, paranoid, offensive bullshit.
Religion IS a part of American politics. It is never, nor will it ever, be dominant in American politics. EVER. There is no evidence to suggest that it ever, EVER will.
Faith is a lot different then ignorance. If you read the book called "The Case for Christ", you'll read about lots of people who became Christians only after reading through the Bible and researching things such as how reliable our evidence of Jesus is - they found that the evidence overwhelmingly pointed to Jesus having been the Messiah
True in my case to some extent. A dozen people (if you include the Gnostics) from within 20 years of a persons death start a religion about him, alot of the time describing similar acts.
Though, it should be admitted, my fascination with the Christian concept and history of Martyrdom, and with the Orthodox church also lead me to it.

Thing is, it is almost too late. The government has already used religion as a quasi-reason to exterminate the Al-Quaeda, and to invade Iraq.
Bush is a religious man. He just has the guts to say it. Blair is equally religious, it just so happens he lives in a nation of gippity athiests. I fail to see why a Preisdent expressing religious views is against Church and State seperation. Surely he is entitled to the rights of free speech?

To paraphrase something my grandmother used to tell me: "Believe in one hand, shit in the other; see which one gets full faster."
So your ancestors are from Northern Germany? :lol:
When did they become Atheists?