PS, like I said, give us a reason why it should stay in the official Pledge of Allegiance.
Well, unless Atheisim wants to be viewd as a Religion, I see no way in which it can claim to be persecuted under Religious Discrimination.
And do you think that an Athiest is so weak in his beliefs (or lack thereof) that saying two little words will have his faith (or lack there of) crumbiling to the ground?
And, like I said, "God" is ambiguous. The only religion that does not belive in a God (that springs to mind) are several forms of Buddhisim.
Truth is, the burden of proof is on YOU for saying that there is a dire need to get rid of all patriotisim and all mentioning of God.
Well, first, the nature of American Patriotisim is not the same as mainland, or even the rest of the world PAtriotisim. America was founded on ideals, not a land between two rivers or a racial group. Fail to see what is wrong with that, taking pride in an ideal (which, btw, is EXACTLY what they are doing).
Second, 3,000 people *exaporated*, or jumped out of windows, or burned to death. The bloodiest day in American history sense Antitem.
Third, when was the last time you where there? Are the flags still up?
I'm appalled at the way this Pledge is being forcefully thrown at us in our own public schools, especially a corrupt version of it.
You'd perfer it was the Socialist mumbojumbo that was first uttered?
But then why all the God stuff?
Said it before and I will say it again, "God" is ambiguious. Little Omar Sherrif might have a Muslim God in mind, little Daniel Goldberg might be thinking of a Jewish God, little Sanjay Dravidian might have Shiva in mind, little freaky Danny Black might have Thor, or Athena in mind.
The USA has turned into a government pushing religion to further its agenda.
Yeah, that explains the rise of Gilead in the 1980s. O wait, that was a whole bunch of feminist, paranoid, offensive bullshit.
Religion IS a part of American politics. It is never, nor will it ever, be dominant in American politics. EVER. There is no evidence to suggest that it ever, EVER will.
Faith is a lot different then ignorance. If you read the book called "The Case for Christ", you'll read about lots of people who became Christians only after reading through the Bible and researching things such as how reliable our evidence of Jesus is - they found that the evidence overwhelmingly pointed to Jesus having been the Messiah
True in my case to some extent. A dozen people (if you include the Gnostics) from within 20 years of a persons death start a religion about him, alot of the time describing similar acts.
Though, it should be admitted, my fascination with the Christian concept and history of Martyrdom, and with the Orthodox church also lead me to it.
Thing is, it is almost too late. The government has already used religion as a quasi-reason to exterminate the Al-Quaeda, and to invade Iraq.
Bush is a religious man. He just has the guts to say it. Blair is equally religious, it just so happens he lives in a nation of gippity athiests. I fail to see why a Preisdent expressing religious views is against Church and State seperation. Surely he is entitled to the rights of free speech?
To paraphrase something my grandmother used to tell me: "Believe in one hand, shit in the other; see which one gets full faster."
So your ancestors are from Northern Germany?
When did they become Atheists?