The Angry Video Game Nerd Thread

Serge 13

Cranium Cat oTO
Don't know how many guys like this guys videos !

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He's alright, I'm more a fan of furious famicom faggot myself :D

I dig this batman review though, really funny.
I love the video game nerd. Always has different material and he makes me laugh my ass off.
Yeah I like the guy but... that Joker thing made me want to crawl into a bed of nails...
Angry Video Game Nerd is one of my favorite Youtube subscriptions, him and Leet World. It seems that he has a costume for all his reviews, which add a little spice to it, the Bugs Bunny fight, during the Bugs Bunny: Birthday Blowout episode made me laugh for about 4 minutes.
this is one of the funniest episodes IMO :

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Sometimes he tries too hard, but generally, he's awesome.

His best moment when he was reviewing Star Trek games and reiterated what he had to do in order to finish an episode in a 40 second stream of words, ending with the camera pointed at him noiselessly saying "What. The. Fuck?"
