The BoS is a bunch of losers or what?


Humma Kavulaaaaaaa
I was at level 21 in my Guns/Unarmed build, with Beautifull Beatdown perk, 27 DT, 90 in Unarmed skill and with Pushy. I was doing ED-E quest, recieved the message from Lorenzo, picked the mission disc at Reppcon Headquarters and runned to Hidden Valley. I was without Veronica and I knew they will be very hostile to me, but ok, Lorenzo was polite, right? Then that piece of crap and reject of the Earth BoS Paladin came to me, bragging and shoutting and I thinked to myself, "Wait a fucking minute, erase me from existence? I'm not a wimp and I AM good equipped and armed! Why do I even need to listen to this looser? They ask for my help and I'm forced to help them?"

People, I became pissed, don't know what happened, but I was seeing RED. Blood Red. Ok, let's see who will be erased then.
Needless to say, I killed everyone in that shithole. I talked to Veronica just to see her cry about them, go on girl, see if I care.

On the other hand at least they became again the old BoS from Fo1/2, because even with all this it was hard to put them down. Damn Gauss rifles... :cool:
But they are a bunch of loosers, just like in FO1 and 2 too.

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Wow, what a rant lol.

Realistically I think the BoS could say that to any single heavily armed individual and win though, why shouldn't they, they are like the most heavily armoured and equipped faction on the wasteland. Realistically there is no way a single individual could win against those odds, which is why I think they say that.

It is however indicative of a broader issue in RPG's of NPC's not reacting realistically to player party size, armour and weaponry. Eg, why the hell do thugs from Freeside still attack me when its clear I have a sniper from first recon, a flying robot, power armour and a laser gatling canon? I also think certain armour and weapons should change NPC responses and aggression towards the player, would be a lot more realistic and interesting, kinda like the ''terrifying presence'' perk. Would you not be terrified at someone in power armour and a gatling laser canon?
UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
Not sure what a "Looser" is.

Be gentle with me, I'm brazilian, english is not my primary language. Sorry. :oops:

I'm a loser now... :lol:

RadIcal said:
Wow, what a rant lol.

Realistically I think the BoS could say that to any single heavily armed individual and win though, why shouldn't they, they are like the most heavily armoured and equipped faction on the wasteland. Realistically there is no way a single individual could win against those odds, which is why I think they say that.

It is however indicative of a broader issue in RPG's of NPC's not reacting realistically to player party size, armour and weaponry. Eg, why the hell do thugs from Freeside still attack me when its clear I have a sniper from first recon, a flying robot, power armour and a laser gatling canon? I also think certain armour and weapons should change NPC responses and aggression towards the player, would be a lot more realistic and interesting, kinda like the ''terrifying presence'' perk. Would you not be terrified at someone in power armour and a gatling laser canon?

Of course that realistic no one should be able to do this, killing the first three guards OK, but the whole chapter I agree, it's not fisable.
But in FO2 by the end of the game we are pretty much god-like too, so it's forgivable.

The problem is I was invited to the bunker by Lorenzo. I accept that if I was invited to an high-security military instalation as a guest, they perform security checks on me.

But being received like that, under the gun? No wonder the BoS is dying and has no future.
Even with McNamara as a Elder I don't see much for them. He is more open to negotiation and talk, but in the end he's a BoS to the hearth, don't accepting that the outside world has good values. Remeber what he says in the end of Veronica's quest? "We don't help them or let them in".

An annoying faction, as always. :roll:

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What a pleasant change from F03 Lion's Brotherhood. 8-) They're just as arrogant and xenophobic as in oryginal game. :clap:
Seriusly not they do invite you as full Paladin after only 4 lousy quests and with Veronica help you can change them... eventualy.
Beisides it's better to be paranoid and hostile to strangers then end as inhabitants of Vault 3. :wink:
Requete said:
What a pleasant change from F03 Lion's Brotherhood. 8-) They're just as arrogant and xenophobic as in oryginal game. :clap:
Seriusly not they do invite you as full Paladin after only 4 lousy quests and with Veronica help you can change them... eventualy.
Beisides it's better to be paranoid and hostile to strangers then end as inhabitants of Vault 3. :wink:

FO3 Lion's Brotherhood is not part of the BoS anymore, as he tell us in the game, I think we need to keep this in mind.
The real BoS are the so called "Outscasts". ;)

It's interesting that you mentioned caution: the one who treat you like an equal is the most beligerant of them, Hardin.
He's is the only one that refers to you as "brother" after being accepted in their ranks, unlike the rest of the BoS, McNamara included, who treat you as an outsider.

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