The Cool Cam


First time out of the vault
Saw this on and thought that people here might find it worth reading.

The Cool Cam: Placating managers with shiny fluff to save a game development project.

Make sure to read the comments, there's some good stuff in there.
I found that extremely funny because I do the exact same thing at my work

focus the attention away from the bugs and show them the shiny parts of your project and you'll be fine.

excellent read
Seems like a case of the right man at the right place at the right time.. Very funny story though
Heh this is an old practice. Every R&D department has used this project saving strategy more than once. Hell even the government's own contractors have used this.
This story also brings forward the situation of "what if there are too many 'Tims' on the project." "Tims" being developers that are good at "manager management" and making shiny fluff, but don't pay enough attention to the core of the game. I'd envision what'd happen is that the game'll look so good, as long as you don't push it hard, that it'll get pushed out before it's really ready, since the management sees no problems. Maybe we could get some examples of games that seem to have ended up that way?