Nov 23, 2004 #1 J John Uskglass Venerable Relic of the Wastes
Nov 23, 2004 #2 D Dapper Dan Man Water Chip? Been There, Done That Orderite There but for the grace of pride go I.... Envy. Pure....envy.
Nov 23, 2004 #3 Gus So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs Orderite Fireblade said: There but for the grace of pride go I... Click to expand... Ahh.. I know this one, Paul Simon right? I don't know if covering myself in plastic would make my day exactly. Bubblewrap maybe.
Fireblade said: There but for the grace of pride go I... Click to expand... Ahh.. I know this one, Paul Simon right? I don't know if covering myself in plastic would make my day exactly. Bubblewrap maybe.