The Expedition


First time out of the vault
Some of you may remember my origional post about my vision for a Fallout indie-short about the Grey Expedition. Well, life happened and Im getting the ball rolling again, and since this is by a fan, and for the fans, I wanted to make my outline available for feedback. Projected length is 45minutes to an hour tops.

We see shots of a small group of people moving slowly, revealing their carts. Establishing a command structure, a forward scout gives an all clear to a point guard, who then helps the lead cart change direction. Shots mainly close and get wider and longer building up to the attack. A trader gets attacked by a radscorpion that was hiding, it is quickly killed but not before the trader is poisoned. At the same instant almost a mutant appears and kills the point guard, and procedes to kill one or two others, and putting the precious water cargo in danger of spilling all over the desert. Harold arrives from the middle of the caravan, and severly wounds the mutant causing it to flee, he begins to follow but turns back to help his crew. The scout moves in and is revealed to be Francine as she is yelled at for not noticing their large friend. He repairs the cart with the water and they are moving again. Transition to them arriving at the Hub where Harold gets paid and learns of 3 other similar attacks. Establish Richard's character in the background.


That night Harold is at the bar talking to another caravan boss who was attacked and they appear to be planning/debating. Richard walks up and introduces himself as we hear the other boss mention a need or lack of money/men. Richard says that he is a doctor who is interested in helping to stop the mutant threat and is willing to lend a hand, and his pocket book. They say they will consider it and leave. That night Richard saves Harold from some thugs by the edge of town, and Harold decides he can be trusted. They pack the next day and prepare for a long journey, introduce Mark, one of Richard's men. Show the length of the journey in distance and time. Toss in an encounter or two, finally they find a building in the night, that has power. They back away and wait till morning. Only a few mutants are seen around the place, but more in one spot than any has seen. They move in to investigate, silencing the mutants one by one as they get closer until one lets out a shrieking death cry, others home in on the noise, and they are forced to retreat into the building.


They make their way down and into the building. Once below the top level the automated security begins to appear and quickly tears through them. Mark is wounded and isolated from the group during a firefight, he decides to flee and tries to get some of the security to focus on him as he leaves, and is not seen again. They notice the air seems different. Richard is now leading, and heads towards the most secure looking area. At the entrance to the vat room Francine is killed and Harold is shaken by the loss. Richard and Harold enter the silent vat room, no shots heard, no movement, a still room. Once they get about halfway in, the command center lights up, and the room springs to life. A barrage of gunfire pins them both down, unsure of what to do they decide to try and head back towards the control booth, thats when Richard is knocked off into the vats screaming and almost immedietly afterwards Harold is knocked unconcious. Once he goes black so does the screen, stays that way for a few moments, then he slowly comes to in the back of a cart. He tries to say something to the man in charge of the cart but he is too weak and his body already changing. It ends with his thoughts or words to someone about happened and what it could mean for us all.
The End

I am also toying with the idea of including another Richard subplot. Basically in one of Harold's carts at the begining there is a wanted poster with Richard Moreau on it, Richard notices this when the caravan comes in and wonders if Harold knows who he is and intends to turn him in. That night, Richard intended to kill Harold if that were the case, in the process of saving Harold he manages to destroy the poster somehow. So during the expedition, your not quite sure if you can trust Richard and Mark. Anyways, out with it, thoughts?