The Fall hands on preview@RPGDot


Carbon Dated and Proud
Myrthos of RPGDot had the chance to play around with the Fall and wrote up a preview for it, here's the final verdict:<blockquote>The release date of The Fall is set for October in the German-speaking countries. There is no set date for an English release, because a publishing deal has yet to be finalised for the US and UK. Silver Style does not plan on releasing a demo, as the resources are required to complete and polish the game. The build I saw looked rather finished, which is a good thing with October not too far away.

Like many party-based RPGs, playing The Fall takes some tactics and planning - not only during combat but also when building your character and party to make sure they are balanced with a combination of skills and abilities. I was able to spend around two hours playing the game, which gave me a good overview but I haven’t seen the entire game by any means. From what I have seen, this RPG offers a lot of promise. I can only hope that The Fall is published in other countries without too much delay so I can play the game in English.</blockquote>Remember to read the whole preview of course.
Link: The Fall Hands on Preview@RPGDot
... is it me or do one of the characters have a paintball gun in their inventory, in the last screenshot i think.

Anyway. the graphics are looking improved it seems and those enviroments look realy nicely detailed in areas, eg. the one with the train yard. :D
One thing I didn't like watching the screens were characters, their faces. They're kind of sterile, low tempered and lacking glare. Some ubermensch arian komandos types, no witty humorous chars. Booring.