The Fall patch 1.2


Carbon Dated and Proud
The post apocalyptic RPG called The Fall have gotten another patch, since the game had serious bugs. Here's what RPGdot posted:<blockquote>Silver Style has released a second German patch for 'The Fall'. There's a full and an update version (from 1.1) available. The patch fixes display and performance problems (ATI 9700), missing texts have been added and a D3D issue has been addressed, too.</blockquote>So the english version will include these?
Link: The Fall - Patch
So this is the second patch in what - a week?

Smooth, guys: instead of leaking out everything but the kitchen sink about your game, perhaps you should've spent some time on actually coding the darn game.
And there is already a 1.3 patch out that fixes the save game bug some people have, among other things. :?
Well, at least they are patching the game, and in a somewhat timely fashion. That bodes well. A lot of these new "bigshot" game companies seem like they fire the programming staff about a month before the game is finished and then stick up some cheezey support FAQ with crap like "make sure you have the latest drivers" and then don't answer any email or provide patches because they sacked anybody who had the knowledge to make one. EA comes to mind as being a publisher of stupendously buggy games with few if any updates and atrocious support. I can't begin to say how many times I've about freaked after completing some long or particularly intense battle in a "Wing Commander" game only to have it crash when I go to land on the planet.

Bug fixes are good and any game that ships without at least one bug is probably not worth playing anyways. No amount of testing can predict the devious attempts by millions of sneaky gamers to do things that nobody anticipated or run the game on hardware combinations that nobody in their right mind would use.

I've written and debugged apps at work. When I show them to the boss, the first idiotic thing he tries usually crashes the program and I spend a week rewriting it. No matter how much I try to anticipate these events, I simply cannot fathom such gross incompetence during the creation cycle and always seem to miss something :-)
Dukester said:
Well, at least they are patching the game, and in a somewhat timely fashion. That bodes well.

Not really, because it makes it look even better for the lazier asshats who don't even bother to patch and makes fans complacent whenever an unfinished product ships. It then becomes more excusable to ship a half-ass product.

Maybe you enjoy paying money to beta-test someone's product, but don't be so asinine to the people who mistakenly bought the game and expected it to be even remotely resemble beta quality standards, having to deal with each new patch and try to restart the game in the hopes that maybe it won't be a buggy piece of shit code.

Yes, it appears that Silver "Special Olympics Medal" Style didn't learn a damn thing from Soldiers of Anarchy. And they thought it would be amusing to talk about touching Fallout. Comedy gold at its best, folks.