The Fall patch 1.3

I hope they get on with the english version now. I'll need something to play after I finish Vampire: Bloodlines...
So, why release one patch then another only a couple of days later ? what's the point ?
Greetings from Germany :)

I am a great Fallout Fan and so I was very happy when I got news that in November a german company would bring out a cool Fallout-like-game.

And so I ran to the shop when the game was published and was ready for a new Fallout-like feeling.

But then...

Then I had to find out that the game "The Fall - The last days of Gaia" is a total desaster! Its nothing more than a better beta-testversion. Bugs, bugs and more bugs.

I have not bought a worse game in the last 12 months.

Even the installation was buggy. The grafic is buggy and the sound effects very poor.

The Savegame-modus didnt worked on some maps and caused a system crash (very motivating...)

On the first day the first patch was published (30MB) but it didnt fixed my problems.
Then there was a second patch and now the third one.

But this dont bother me any longer because I brought the game back to the seller and got my money back.

Dont buy this game while its so extremely buggy.

And check the forums and comments at Amazon - so you can see that I am not alone with the opinion that The Fall is a total desaster and a shame for any Fallout fan !
Even so, if the game is good otherwise, I could ignore the bugs (as long as they don't make the game unfinishable and there's no patch for them). I hope that it's not just a mediocre game (apart from the bugs).
It's a new theory to game development!

When the game is half finished, release the game and just give out patches until they've completed it.

Once the game is declared complete, they then start releasing patches about problems they didn't actually know about.
I'll give them credit for at least fixing the bugs, there are alot of developers that don't do that.

But I don't understand why the need to make one patch, then another one, then another one with only a couple of days interval. Why not wait a week and release a huge patch ?
Well, it looks bad to have a million patches but at least the ones who bought it can get over the problems as soon as possible.