The generator in the military base

Let me take a wild guess, you don't have enough Repair skill perhaps.....
(Imitates Veruca's voice from Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory)

But I need it to start working NOW!

Dammit, why doesn't this game start me out with 300% in every skill from the start so I can just walk through the game without playing it? You should be able to do everything in the game!

ExpertExcrementExpeditor said:
Why not just have Vic fix it?

Just to clarify the matter, stand some hexes away from the generator and try to use the repair skill on it. If Vic's Repair is greater than your PC's , he'll run up to the generator and try to fix it, spewing "I'm on it" dialog floats. If this doesn't help, lower the game difficulty setting in the options menu (assuming you're not already pansying on "Easy") , and retry. If this doesn't help, get some repair manuals, these can be obtained primarily in San Francisco.
There is the backup option of downloading a character editor, and buffing up your character. Of course, it is the cheaters option, but then you could take Rosh's (admittedly sarcastic) advice and have 300% in every skill.
barf, cheating is never an option... I mean, if you really appreciated a game (which, if you joined this forum..I assume thats on your agenda) I think you would have more respect for it than to cheat! It's like putting too much butter on your pancakes! and you dont want buttercakes do you?! ...[thats right..analogy king right here :roll: ]