The Ghouls at Quincy

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I'm playing this game the second time around and I'm trying to be an elietest. (I.e, no ghouls or mutants around.)

The problem is that every time I go to bunker beta after Quincy, there are always ghouls there who joined up, no matter what I had done in Quincy. (I've tried everything from killing them all outrite to leaveing without talking to them.)

Is there anyway that I can get the game to not allow ghouls as recruits? How can I accomplish this?
There is probably nothing you can do. You don't really control the Brotherhood's policies but you can choose whether to recruit them or not. Just don't recruit the glowing bastards.
of course you can't play without the option of recruiting mutants and gouls. What's up with you, antisemite? If you are that eager to kill another race, end the game BOS by putting general Barnaky's brain in the computer. He will see to it all mutant are persecuted.
I guess I was wrong. You can get rid of ghouls and mutants showing up in the recruit pool. Make a copy of the campaign.txt file in your core/tables directory. Open the file and towards the bottom of it there are the RECRUITS POOL DEFINITIONS. Delete all of the ones that say ghoul(go) or mutant(sm). Then save the changes.
>I guess I was wrong. You
>can get rid of ghouls
>and mutants showing up in
>the recruit pool. Make a
>copy of the campaign.txt file
>in your core/tables directory. Open
>the file and towards the
>bottom of it there are
>all of the ones that
>say ghoul(go) or mutant(sm). Then
>save the changes.

You little hax0r! hehe..

Well, in any case it answers my question.

It's a standard role playing game where what you do has absolutely no effect on the storyline, even in little ways. I guess with the advances with computers that have occured since Fallout 1, they are no longer capable verying the story.

I guess that's why Fallout 1 is still the top rated RPG of all time, how you played actually had an impact on the game. The programmers of Fallout 2, Fallout Tatics, Bauldur's Gate, etc should take notice.

Well I guess my hope for a dynamic RPG is dead.
Well, FOT does have the capabilites to be more of a multi-path RPG. Unfortunately, the missions weren't set up that way. Try some of the custom missions, particularly Endocore's. I will hopefully soon have a mission out which offers a few paths depending on if you save certain NPC's. The level of complexity does go up quite a bit to allow for dozens of paths but it is possible. You just have to work out beforehand what you are going to allow the player to do. There are limits but the engine does have the flexibility to make a rudimentary RPG.