Do you think you could do this? Its from my fan fiction "the one vault" if you could make up a sort of mock image of Tim in his leather padded Vault Suit it would be awesome.
Description as follows:
He is wearing Magnum leather combat boots "M4gnum" in the fan fic as they are called.
There is an image of the boots I had in mind, if that helps.
For the rest, if you imagine a vault suit with longer knee pads from say the middle of the shin up to just above the knee. He has a leather jacket on but BOTH arms have been cut off, the shoulder pads have also been beefed out a bit with extra padding but on the inside, so that the outside is flush.
The knee pads on the left leg has stiching comming out from under it where the vault suit was ripped. There are also two leather bracers sewn into the jump suit.
A picture of a bracer:
The SEID unit is on the left arm, it looks like a bracer only its smooth, tight fitting, a little thicker and it looks like its made of solid bronze.
He has a Magnum pistol holstered on his right side and an F1 normal shotgun strapped to him running from where his right elbow would be if his hands were at his sides to just below the belt line above his left leg.
He also has an Assault rifle and a few spare magazines strapped to his chest or crammed in the chest and side pockets of the leather jacket body.
His standard issue vault belt is also a little different with lots of added on compartments and packs, all of which close down with poppers. He has thick dark messy hair about four inches long and a full set of stubble.
His vault suit is covered in the odd lines of stiching and he has a muscular (yet average size) build. Hes about 6"1 and has dark eyes.
Thats the best description I can come up with this early in the morning (0137). I dont expect you to draw a perfect image just from that description but if you could draw him posing like the guy from the Fallout 1 installation screen. The one where the guy is stood on a mound of rubble in a city with green gas everywhere and scavengers or whatever calwing at his feet.
This picture:
You dont have to do this of course, but it would be bloody awesome if you could. If you are unclear about anything in the description just say and I will try and explain better / draw a simple picture in paint. It would be so awesome if you could do this.
