The Illuminati...

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Hah! I beat you...

You may have been the first person to respond to the post, but I was the first person in history to post a response at The Illuminati's board! Ha! HA!

*Doing a little shuffle-dance* I...Beat...The Blue...Pencil... Ha...Ha...HaHa...Ha..

*Shuffle-dances into an open manhole*

Nevermind.... oooh...

"Nil Desperandum"
Argh..this cannot be! I have lost face...

I must do as ancient warriors did and kill myself..*haraaa--!*

Wait..I'm not I'll just have to bonk my head against a wall until I lose conciousness! *bonk*bonk*bonk*

*the wall crumbles into powder*
~cause anything less than total and utter overkill is a total waste of time~:D
-it's the freakin' bluepencil!
RE: Ha! I'm unconcious, too!..Yamu no ahou..

geha! You may have been the first to get a glimpse of the brainchild in the nursery, but it was I who baptized it!!!
Find the fanfic section of Wiliam's mesage board...I guarantee that you will hate me.

William...easy down, guv... You're still now planning on killing me, are you?

Then why are you hiding a Vindicator minigun behind your back?
~cause anything less than total and utter overkill is a complete waste of time~:D
-it's the freakin' bluepencil!
RE: I'm not...

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Feb-18-01 AT 07:51AM (GMT)[p]Hm...quite a contradiction there..the Illuminati sheds no blood, remember? And now, you're weilding a burst weapon.

Try these...
*bounces a Nerf brick off William's head. It squeaks, then disappeares. The brick, not the head.*

I can't mass-produce the buggers since I still haven't understood the principles of Pocket Dimensional Thory yet. I HAVE made these little thingies to serve as the temporary official Illuminati ammo, however...

*shows what looks to be a normal orange plasma grenade*

I call these frinkers Qigg grenades for now. They're more or less harmless..they explode, and they make this annoying *ding*ding*ding*ding*ding*ding*ding*ding*ding*ding*ding* sound that will slowly drive you insane.

Fllr must die.

*throws the Quigg grande. It bounces off a wall and detonates. A hundred-meter deep crater is gouged on the ground.*

Oops. I mixed up my WOD's again.. Oh, won't leave blood, at least. He'll be totally incinerated.

Argh. I talk too much.
~cause anything less than total and utter overkill is a complete waste of time~:D
-it's the freakin' bluepencil!
my, we're bloodthirsty today...

Ah. Energy weapons.. Plasma guns melt. What's the principle behind a phaser?
There has to be a way around the 'shed no blood' edict.

This thread is dead, unless someone has an idea of a Weapon of Destruction that we can use instead of the clunky lasers. What should be the Official Ammunition of the Illuminati?

Actually, this idea of mine serves no point whatsoever. Maybe someday, when I make an 'awards' fic..
Or when I indulge in a little imaginary war.
~cause anything less than total and utter overkill is a complete waste of time~:D
-it's the freakin' bluepencil!