the life of a powderganger


First time out of the vault
day 1 - "free"

got up with a sickness after that horible lounghs still sour...and still spitting sand...
got spending my first day as a free man clearing bodys of unlucky foolish traders from the crossroad..
thay tought thay could sneak passet us witout paying..stupid mistake..
we did lost one guy..bullet to the chest..but his friends said he was already starving to death...
entil i finished the body clearing it got dark and cold..time to go back..i need a good night sleep..
Alexandria scopes out the scene with her Scoped Hunting Rifle, examining each Powder Ganger for any detail of their life that she may be able to find out. She chuckles as they attempt to go through their lives as makeshift raiders. She grabs a silencer of sorts from her bag and stuffs it onto the end of the Hunting Rifle, aiming directly down the scope of the Rifle. She grins, holds her breath, and lands a direct shot into the head of a Powder Ganger, laughing as his head explodes and his body from their down collapses into a blood-smothered heap. The rest of the Powder Gangers go into a frenzy as she reaches into her bag and pulls out a Phsyco and injects herself. She chuckles, looking down the scope and looking, while high, for another victim.