The Lost City of Chernobyl.


Water Chip? Been There, Done That
The Lost City of Chernobyl. This is quite amassing I don't know how old the pictures are but some of them are quite surreal Like a school filled with gas masks hospital's with drug's just lying there I could go on but you have to see for your self.
These are great! Thanks for sharing the link, dude. I find some of them pretty damn depressing, especially the funpark, school and hospital pics. And those soviet symbols, like ghosts who dont know everything they stood up for is now decayed and abandoned... wuff.

Great atmosphere, i'll have to book a tour myself someday.
The fun park and the hospital made me feel odd when i first saw them. The city looks quite nice now but then you realise why it is like that and then it hit's you. I would love to go there someday, there was a cookery program recently on the BBC where some dude when there I was shocked to find out that some people still live on the outscairts of the city.
Tannhauser said:
Let us not forget the controversy over that as well.
Thanks for that, I'd never seen it before.

Out of pure curiosity how did you NOT notice it was a bit suspicious from the beginning like me and most of my UE mates did.

Have you not noticed that she's IN most of the pictures, mostly with both her hands occupied, so without very carefully staging each picture with a tripod and timer it couldn't be done. She wouldn't want to spend all that time setting it up if she was worried about radiation, which she mentions several times on each page.
(From Tannhauser's Link)
I suspect this is a case of 20/20 Hindsight. Once somebody points it out to you, it's rather obvious, but it seems less likely that the poster and all his mates noticed it.
Also, she clearly wasn't all that concerned about rads anyway, or she wouldn't have gone there.
DoughboyJones said:
The spilled ink on the sheet of music is so classic
pretty sure it's staged. same with the doll outside.

there's a lot of people saying that guides stage such photo opportunities.
yhea maybe but I still would love to go there just for the hell of it, It would be some bragging right's to say you have been there.

Most awesome photo of the lot. :)
Broken image.

Noobiepooh don't know how to post itsy-pasty-imageys?
Wooz said:
Broken image.

Noobiepooh don't know how to post itsy-pasty-imageys?

rightclick -> view image -> zomg! it works.

just doesnt allow stealing, but it does allow individual direct link it appears.
Tannhauser that film you linked was really moving dude, I didn't even know such films where declassified by the Russian government.
Yhea but I meant that some of the offical film from then would still Have been in Russian hand's, sorry for not making my self clear.