Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

The Lost Platoon is a roleplay which takes place in the middle of an interplanetary war between two factions: The Expeditionary Forces come from Earth and Earth allied colonies, and the Independent Sagittarius Dominion forces that are part of a group of colonies interested in forming a separate independent government.
While the authorization to from an independent government was permitted by Earth authorities, the problem began when the availability of resource profitable planets began to run out, and it was more and more difficult and expensive each time to find resources in far away planets and then bring them back.
The discovery of a new planet which promised new resources with the capability to travel long ranges in a much cheaper way set the fuse. War was raged over the control of this planet, making it be the first planetary war, and dividing humanity in two groups hostile to each other.
The ISD did no forget the defeat at the hands of Earth forces, and enough hate was created to start a full scale universal war which would rage over the centuries without a clear winner. This is the beginning of that war…
November 2, 2186
Report Nº11255/43
2nd Lieutenant Hernan Esmaldone
"The coast was filled with bodies and burning APC’s when we landed, we had to make our way trough the enemy fire taking cover behind our own destroyed vehicles. When we made it to the top of the hill in front of the beach I looked back and all I could see was destruction, our whole invasion force decimated on the beaches. I lost more than half of my platoon that day, I was lucky, most did not even had that left.
We made it to sneak inside a burnt out city, what once was a well developed colonial settlement. It is only just some cover and refuge we were able to find here, all supplies were scavenged, the power was out, nothing worked, and we had no way of making contact with ally forces nor knowing what it was of other expeditionary forces on the planet.
The assault was suicide, the defenders were well dug in, and were able to successfully hide his positions from our battle cruiser’s so infallible spy-cams. The zone was bombed before the attack, but the bombs hit nearly anything at all, they were out there waiting for us when we came. It reminded me of the amphibious disaster on the attack to the Dragoon Peninsula in DPM144, fifty years ago during the first planetary war.
We’ve been able to successfully hide for one day, but a patrol finally found us last night and we had to split. As far as I know we are separated in three different groups. Koch, Estevez and Füller are with me; Sergeant Major Walters is with Stewart, Hudson and Claverie; and there are Dubose and Stone hiding around there somewhere. I dint hear any shots, shouts or explosions since last night, so if everyone escaped everyone should still be alive.
Walters is one of the most experienced and capable NCO’s I ever met, so I have full confidence he’ll get his men safe. As for Dubose and Stone, well, Dubose is very resourceful he’ll find a way through.
It is six o’clock in the morning out here and the sun is coming up, hopefully the thick clouds and the fog will reduce the visibility enough for us to hide at day. One of the men just asked me if we can expect rescue or another ally assault on the area, I said “yes, possibly” but I don’t have a clue, if not, then god help me because we are lost…"
-Combat stats:
Combat stats and the way they will determine combat encounters are yet to be completed. This will be done before the creation of the IC thread.
Combat stats development:
The weapons have a minimal damage and a maximal damage. Maximal damage is the max damage the weapon's cause to it's target. Minimal damage it is the minimal amount of damage a weapon can cause, below that minimal the weapon will cause no damage and it will considered as a miss. The less the minimal damage the more accurate the weapon, the more maximal damage the more damage the weapon can cause.
Rifle: The rifle is very accurate, but it's small calibre causes limited damage. The rifle stats are 10-32.
Support weapon: The support weapon is a powerful weapon, but lacks the control of a rifle. The support weapon stats are: 20-55
Hit points:
All PC's and NPC's will have a limited amount of hit points. Below that amount the player is dead.
Combat example for three turns:
Franz Koch: 52HP
Enemy grunt: 50HP
Franz Koch rolls rifle attack (10-32). Roll result: 86 (1d100)
Franz Koch hits Enemy grunt for 32 HP: 50-32=18
Franz Koch: 52HP
Enemy grunt: 18HP
Franz Koch rolls rifle attack (10-32). Roll result: 8 (1d100)
Franz Koch misses.
Franz Koch: 52HP
Enemy grunt: 18HP
Franz Koch rolls rifle attack (10-32). Roll result: 20 (1d100)
Franz Koch hits Enemy grunt for 20 HP. Enemy grunt is killed.
Franz Koch: 52HP
Enemy grunt: -2HP
While the authorization to from an independent government was permitted by Earth authorities, the problem began when the availability of resource profitable planets began to run out, and it was more and more difficult and expensive each time to find resources in far away planets and then bring them back.
The discovery of a new planet which promised new resources with the capability to travel long ranges in a much cheaper way set the fuse. War was raged over the control of this planet, making it be the first planetary war, and dividing humanity in two groups hostile to each other.
The ISD did no forget the defeat at the hands of Earth forces, and enough hate was created to start a full scale universal war which would rage over the centuries without a clear winner. This is the beginning of that war…
November 2, 2186
Report Nº11255/43
2nd Lieutenant Hernan Esmaldone
"The coast was filled with bodies and burning APC’s when we landed, we had to make our way trough the enemy fire taking cover behind our own destroyed vehicles. When we made it to the top of the hill in front of the beach I looked back and all I could see was destruction, our whole invasion force decimated on the beaches. I lost more than half of my platoon that day, I was lucky, most did not even had that left.
We made it to sneak inside a burnt out city, what once was a well developed colonial settlement. It is only just some cover and refuge we were able to find here, all supplies were scavenged, the power was out, nothing worked, and we had no way of making contact with ally forces nor knowing what it was of other expeditionary forces on the planet.
The assault was suicide, the defenders were well dug in, and were able to successfully hide his positions from our battle cruiser’s so infallible spy-cams. The zone was bombed before the attack, but the bombs hit nearly anything at all, they were out there waiting for us when we came. It reminded me of the amphibious disaster on the attack to the Dragoon Peninsula in DPM144, fifty years ago during the first planetary war.
We’ve been able to successfully hide for one day, but a patrol finally found us last night and we had to split. As far as I know we are separated in three different groups. Koch, Estevez and Füller are with me; Sergeant Major Walters is with Stewart, Hudson and Claverie; and there are Dubose and Stone hiding around there somewhere. I dint hear any shots, shouts or explosions since last night, so if everyone escaped everyone should still be alive.
Walters is one of the most experienced and capable NCO’s I ever met, so I have full confidence he’ll get his men safe. As for Dubose and Stone, well, Dubose is very resourceful he’ll find a way through.
It is six o’clock in the morning out here and the sun is coming up, hopefully the thick clouds and the fog will reduce the visibility enough for us to hide at day. One of the men just asked me if we can expect rescue or another ally assault on the area, I said “yes, possibly” but I don’t have a clue, if not, then god help me because we are lost…"
-Combat stats:
Combat stats and the way they will determine combat encounters are yet to be completed. This will be done before the creation of the IC thread.
Combat stats development:
The weapons have a minimal damage and a maximal damage. Maximal damage is the max damage the weapon's cause to it's target. Minimal damage it is the minimal amount of damage a weapon can cause, below that minimal the weapon will cause no damage and it will considered as a miss. The less the minimal damage the more accurate the weapon, the more maximal damage the more damage the weapon can cause.
Rifle: The rifle is very accurate, but it's small calibre causes limited damage. The rifle stats are 10-32.
Support weapon: The support weapon is a powerful weapon, but lacks the control of a rifle. The support weapon stats are: 20-55
Hit points:
All PC's and NPC's will have a limited amount of hit points. Below that amount the player is dead.
Combat example for three turns:
Franz Koch: 52HP
Enemy grunt: 50HP
Franz Koch rolls rifle attack (10-32). Roll result: 86 (1d100)
Franz Koch hits Enemy grunt for 32 HP: 50-32=18
Franz Koch: 52HP
Enemy grunt: 18HP
Franz Koch rolls rifle attack (10-32). Roll result: 8 (1d100)
Franz Koch misses.
Franz Koch: 52HP
Enemy grunt: 18HP
Franz Koch rolls rifle attack (10-32). Roll result: 20 (1d100)
Franz Koch hits Enemy grunt for 20 HP. Enemy grunt is killed.
Franz Koch: 52HP
Enemy grunt: -2HP