The Mayor of the Cemetery


First time out of the vault
Hello,do you remember the city of the Cemetery in fallout 1?

In this city there is a mayor who follows the orders of the regulators.

If you give him the holodisk that proves that his son was killed by Regulators,he becomes angry and a regulator shots him.

There is something wrong with the mayor script.

I tried several things.If you attack the cregulators avoiding the mayor,he keeps hostile even after battle.

If you give the holodisk to thzee mayor and immediately killt the regulator who wants to kill him,he becomes ally during the battle but even if he surviives(i tried that) he becomes enemy at the end of the battle.

What do the original scripts of this mayor say?
it is possible, but very hard to keep the mayor alive and friendly towards you. you have to let the regulators shoot you instead of the mayor, then be lucky enough for him to live, then have the mayor go hostile to the regulators, and then keep him alive through the battle.

doing so, really makes little difference (sadly).
Cemetery? You mean the L.A. Boneyard right? As for keeping the mayor alive, I stood in between where the mayor is and the regulator that shoots him. Then save, tell the mayor, and hope the regulator shoots you instead. If not, load and try that again. The hard part is trying to keep him alive through the whole battle. It is exceedingly hard.
Reconite said:
Cemetery? You mean the L.A. Boneyard right? As for keeping the mayor alive, I stood in between where the mayor is and the regulator that shoots him. Then save, tell the mayor, and hope the regulator shoots you instead. If not, load and try that again. The hard part is trying to keep him alive through the whole battle. It is exceedingly hard.
it's Adytum he's mayor of, not the LA Boneyard, but whatever. we all understood what he was trying to say. :)

blocking the door is a good start, if you have enough AP to get there first. if you don't get involved though, the likelyhood of useful NPCs dying is pretty big though.
No, they never wrote anything for that occasion. There's a glitch in the script that causes him to go over to the Regulators when you fight them even if you already turned him against them, so that he becomes hostile afterwards, but even if you let the Blades handle all the fighting and still somehow manage to keep Z alive he still won't have anything to say.
I wonder if Killap would be willing to make a Fallout 1 Restoration Patch to fix all the unfinished quests and bugs like this... that'd be so freaking awesome. :D Doubt he'd do it though. :|
Well i try to contact as many fallout fans as possible about this,especially for the ub ending with Harold and the good ending of the boneyard,unfortunately it seems that fallout scripts frighten everybody.
How does this go down . . .
You give the mayor the holodisk. The mayor gets mad. The regulator kills the mayor, right?

If I remember correct, you can lock the door.
Then, stand directly in front of the regulator closest to the mayor, as a subachinegun blast is about to rip into you (combat/metal armor and stim's mandatory).

Here's where my memory gets fuzzy: Either immediately kill the regulator, or end combat and talk to the mayor. Try both(?).

Kill the other regulators in the building.

End combat if possible. Unlock door. Stand in door way. Kill. Kill. Kill.


Damnit, now I want to play Fallout.

Edit** Wait, there's a glitch that he goes to the regulators? Lies and slander! . . . I think. . . . . . . . *Installs Fallout* Swear I've had him alive, and non-hostile.

**** Okay, played to L.A. . . . I concede I was wrong. (That, and I got the fallout 2 engine confused with Fallout 1). Couldn't even get the Regulator standing at the mayor's back to shoot me instead. Gave him the holodisk, then immediately opened fire on the reg's -- in the end, the mayor rebels on me. Cursed memory. :oops: