Life under NCR
Under NCR rule the Mojave would experience safety and security under the rule of law, the Military Police has a strong presence in all NCR territories, and there is a civilian police force in core areas. Openly carrying arms, prostitution, gambling, and slavery are not permitted within NCR city limits. Persons found under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be arrested.
The NCR has high living standards for its citizens, and many can find employment as farmers, travelling merchants or soldiers.
The NCR would bring increased humanitarian aid to the Mojave, as we have already seen with the Bitter springs encampment, where NCR provides medicinal aid and food to refugees.
Many NCR citizens work in sharecropper farms, which is farm work in return for shelter, food and water.
There is little to no sexist or racist behaviour in the NCR, most likely due to the community's origins in Vault 15. The republic has also shown little discrimination against ghouls and mutants. Most of the mutant discrimination comes from vote catching politicians who are not real racists.
Life under NCR is much better than under the Legion, with huge amounts of the population being slaves, and women misogynistically being viewed as breeding tools. And there is zero doubt that women aren't allowed to be traders. (Rose Sharon Cassidy mentions this last bit). They don't encourage science or independent critical thinking. You're only allowed to use technologies in the way that your god, Caesar, prescribes.
The NCR Military
The NCR Military is an advanced and large fighting force capable of defending its civilians and land, and would be more than capable of protecting Vegas.
The standard level of organisation of infantry forces is the battalion, which in turn is divided into companies under the command of a Captain. Companies are in turn divided up into platoons.
Troopers are given 3 weeks of training in weapons familiarity and explosive ordnance handling, along with intense physical conditioning. Troopers make up the bulk of the army. They utilise durable mass produced equipment, like the Semi Automatic 5.66mm Service Rifle, and the M&A 9mm pistol.
Uniforms consist of a reinforced leather breastplate on the torso and upper back, supported by leather shoulder-pads worn over brown fatigues.
Heavy Armour corps are composed of troops in salvaged power armour, armed with light machine guns and missile launchers.
The Rangers are a special combat force, and their superior training, superior weaponry and assortment of Pre-War and post-War technology allows them to tip battles in NCR's favour even when a situation may see them outnumbered and outgunned.
The NCR has a mechanised division too, and a logistics division with working trucks.
They can utilise Vertibirds for cargo transport, but also offensive roles, since the Vertibird has a heavily armored fuselage and can be outfitted with a variety of offensive weapons and defensive countermeasures, the most common being Gatling lasers, missile racks, and a mini nuke bay.
Under NCR rule the Mojave would experience safety and security under the rule of law, the Military Police has a strong presence in all NCR territories, and there is a civilian police force in core areas. Openly carrying arms, prostitution, gambling, and slavery are not permitted within NCR city limits. Persons found under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be arrested.
The NCR has high living standards for its citizens, and many can find employment as farmers, travelling merchants or soldiers.
The NCR would bring increased humanitarian aid to the Mojave, as we have already seen with the Bitter springs encampment, where NCR provides medicinal aid and food to refugees.
Many NCR citizens work in sharecropper farms, which is farm work in return for shelter, food and water.
There is little to no sexist or racist behaviour in the NCR, most likely due to the community's origins in Vault 15. The republic has also shown little discrimination against ghouls and mutants. Most of the mutant discrimination comes from vote catching politicians who are not real racists.
Life under NCR is much better than under the Legion, with huge amounts of the population being slaves, and women misogynistically being viewed as breeding tools. And there is zero doubt that women aren't allowed to be traders. (Rose Sharon Cassidy mentions this last bit). They don't encourage science or independent critical thinking. You're only allowed to use technologies in the way that your god, Caesar, prescribes.
The NCR Military
The NCR Military is an advanced and large fighting force capable of defending its civilians and land, and would be more than capable of protecting Vegas.
The standard level of organisation of infantry forces is the battalion, which in turn is divided into companies under the command of a Captain. Companies are in turn divided up into platoons.
Troopers are given 3 weeks of training in weapons familiarity and explosive ordnance handling, along with intense physical conditioning. Troopers make up the bulk of the army. They utilise durable mass produced equipment, like the Semi Automatic 5.66mm Service Rifle, and the M&A 9mm pistol.
Uniforms consist of a reinforced leather breastplate on the torso and upper back, supported by leather shoulder-pads worn over brown fatigues.
Heavy Armour corps are composed of troops in salvaged power armour, armed with light machine guns and missile launchers.
The Rangers are a special combat force, and their superior training, superior weaponry and assortment of Pre-War and post-War technology allows them to tip battles in NCR's favour even when a situation may see them outnumbered and outgunned.
The NCR has a mechanised division too, and a logistics division with working trucks.
They can utilise Vertibirds for cargo transport, but also offensive roles, since the Vertibird has a heavily armored fuselage and can be outfitted with a variety of offensive weapons and defensive countermeasures, the most common being Gatling lasers, missile racks, and a mini nuke bay.
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