The next Resident Evil movie post apocalyptic?

Heh. The very beginning reminded me of the first Fallout-intro. After that, it just turned into the old, ordinary action movie-trailer which we've seen a thousand times before.

I'm afraid this is going to stink; just like the other Resident Evil-based movies.
ugh, looks like they're trying to prove the second movie wasn't as bad as people thought ;)

still, nice post-apoc part of the trailer. just too bad it's Las Vegas: the ugliest city i've ever seen.
In the future...
People will become zombies
Cities will become Mad Max knockoffs
And the hope of mankind, will appear as some chick whose heyday was in The Fifth Element, and that was as some stammering bimbo that seemed about retarded for half the movie.

Now all it needs is a crappy Tina Turner theme song

"We don't need another RE, the first two were bad enough..."

seriously, screw this movie
I don't like the franchise, the only thing good in it is Milla Jovovich.

Milla Jovovich isn't even attractive at all. I don't see why they bother using her in the Resident Evil movies other than the fact that she's been in stuff like Kill Bill and Pulp Fiction. :x
Milla Jovovich isn't even attractive at all.

Maybe not for you but I find her quite attractive and she did a kick ass job in the 5th element. Maybe my mind is playing tricks on me but I don't recall seeing her play in Pulp Fiction nor Kill Bill. Maybe you are confusing her with actress Uma Thurman ?

Uma Thurman in Pulp Fiction


Milla Jovovich in the fifth element
Didn't particularly care for the REs movies (the first one did have some good parts though, like the laser gore scene for instance), so this doesn't exactly give me a 7½ inch hard-on...
Milla Jovovich isn't even attractive at all.

Maybe not for you but I find her quite attractive and she did a kick ass job in the 5th element. Maybe my mind is playing tricks on me but I don't recall seeing her play in Pulp Fiction nor Kill Bill. Maybe you are confusing her with actress Uma Thurman ?

Apparently, I am; and judging by those screencaps you posted, you can obviously see why. They look just like one another. In any case, I still don't see why she should always be the main role in RE. She just doesn't.. fit well.
I happen to like the RE movies. Especially the first one, the second one went downhill after the first half but the first half was great. I'm interested to see what they'll do with the third one.

P.S. The girl who played Jill Valentine in 2 was teh hotness.
she fits. it's the bad script and movie sets and overall story and producer and director and sound guy that sucks
They could have, and should have, tied the 2nd movie in with the story of Resident Evil 3.

Instead they decided to appeal to Horror movie / Action movie fans rather than the Resident Evil fans.

Us RE fans know what happened to Nemesis. Jill pwned him. But what happened in the movie? Lame death just so the people who've never played RE3 knows what happened to Nemesis. :roll:

"You want stars? I'll give you stars!!" - How could they possibly undermine that? >.<

The ending was especially bad as it completely changed the story to be that Umbrella nuked the city, instead of the US...

There's also the fact that they let Jill escape with Alice instead of just letting her go off on her own and kill Nemesis like she should have.

If they can't get the story to go along with the RE games then they shouldn't even bother in the first place.