I was going to reply to a post over at the Fallout: Yesterday thread. But after I typed a bit of my post I realized that this type of discussion shouldn't be clogging that thread, since it really doesn't have anything to do with that project. So I decided to make a new thread about this. And yes, I know this topic has already been asked a few times in the past. But I'm curious about what people think these days.
I have seen what usually happens with fast real-time combat, or it turns a RPG into a twitch reflex game or it turns it into a mostly "use basic attacks" or a couple easy to use skills most of the time. It usually makes combat in RPGs worse, making the player take the path of least resistance, because of such short time to decide on what to do, it also has the disadvantage of usually making area attacks more useless, since in real-time enemies can rush the PCs and prevent the player from effectively use area attacks.
Another thing is that it's pretty hard to manage a party of characters in any decent way in real-time.
And I'm not the only one who thinks so, many people thought that when Owlcat introduced official turn-based into Pathfinder: Kingmaker, the game became better and you could enjoy and deploy tactics by being able to actually use many abilities, skills, special attacks, spells, etc. that were just not usable in real-time. It also made it impossible to cheese the enemies using cheap tactics. It made the game become more deep and fun since you could fully enjoy what the game had to offer.
And to be honest, players were already saying that ever since the turn-based mod was made years before the official mode was made.
We can also see a recent (7 months old) poll made in the Kingmaker's subreddit, asking if people prefer/play turn-based or real-time, and the vast majority voted "I only play Turn-Based" and the second highest voted was "I'm using both but I prefer turn-based":
And remember, this is from the Pathfinder: Kingmaker fans. Which is a game that was released only in real-time (and never even mentioned the possibility of making an official turn-based system until years of being released). So one would be inclined to think that people who are into that game would prefer real-time too.
Here's a poll made a couple of years ago over at RPGnet forums:
And here's an old poll asking if the remake of Final Fantasy 7 should keep the turn-based combat or become real-time:
And yet another poll (3 years ago) about what type of RPGs people prefer:
Another poll, this one made last year. This poll was made at GameFAQs:
And a 3 years old poll over at RPGCodex about if Baldur's Gate 3 should be real-time or turn-based (Baldur's Gate has always been a real-time with pause game series until this new game):
Here's a PCGamer article about how bad Bardur's Gate 3 is because it's turn-based (or something like that). At the end of the article there's a poll about Turn-based vs Real-Time (with pause):
And there's a study someone made about preferences in RPG battle systems (you can read it here if you want to):
After searching the internet for hours, I couldn't find ANY poll where Real-time or Real-time with pause had more votes than Turn-based. Even in communities for games that are real-time. If anyone can find more polls, please share them here. Especially if the poll has more votes for Real-time than Turn-based.
I'm inviting @Gizmojunk , @Lexx and @Cthulchu to continue their discussion from the Fallout: Yesterday thread in here.
I'm of the opposite opinion.Moreover, I'd say mandatory tb with no way to switch to rt takes away from the game rather than adding anything to it. And you start understanding that when you start wasting way too much time on simple battles.
I have seen what usually happens with fast real-time combat, or it turns a RPG into a twitch reflex game or it turns it into a mostly "use basic attacks" or a couple easy to use skills most of the time. It usually makes combat in RPGs worse, making the player take the path of least resistance, because of such short time to decide on what to do, it also has the disadvantage of usually making area attacks more useless, since in real-time enemies can rush the PCs and prevent the player from effectively use area attacks.
Another thing is that it's pretty hard to manage a party of characters in any decent way in real-time.
And I'm not the only one who thinks so, many people thought that when Owlcat introduced official turn-based into Pathfinder: Kingmaker, the game became better and you could enjoy and deploy tactics by being able to actually use many abilities, skills, special attacks, spells, etc. that were just not usable in real-time. It also made it impossible to cheese the enemies using cheap tactics. It made the game become more deep and fun since you could fully enjoy what the game had to offer.
And to be honest, players were already saying that ever since the turn-based mod was made years before the official mode was made.
We can also see a recent (7 months old) poll made in the Kingmaker's subreddit, asking if people prefer/play turn-based or real-time, and the vast majority voted "I only play Turn-Based" and the second highest voted was "I'm using both but I prefer turn-based":

And remember, this is from the Pathfinder: Kingmaker fans. Which is a game that was released only in real-time (and never even mentioned the possibility of making an official turn-based system until years of being released). So one would be inclined to think that people who are into that game would prefer real-time too.
Here's a poll made a couple of years ago over at RPGnet forums:

And here's an old poll asking if the remake of Final Fantasy 7 should keep the turn-based combat or become real-time:

And yet another poll (3 years ago) about what type of RPGs people prefer:

Another poll, this one made last year. This poll was made at GameFAQs:

And a 3 years old poll over at RPGCodex about if Baldur's Gate 3 should be real-time or turn-based (Baldur's Gate has always been a real-time with pause game series until this new game):

Here's a PCGamer article about how bad Bardur's Gate 3 is because it's turn-based (or something like that). At the end of the article there's a poll about Turn-based vs Real-Time (with pause):

And there's a study someone made about preferences in RPG battle systems (you can read it here if you want to):

After searching the internet for hours, I couldn't find ANY poll where Real-time or Real-time with pause had more votes than Turn-based. Even in communities for games that are real-time. If anyone can find more polls, please share them here. Especially if the poll has more votes for Real-time than Turn-based.
I'm inviting @Gizmojunk , @Lexx and @Cthulchu to continue their discussion from the Fallout: Yesterday thread in here.
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