The Pip-boy pictures from Fallout


First time out of the vault
Does anyone know a way to get the little Pipboy pictures from the character screen (ie, Strength, Small Guns, etc) as a standard picture file of some sort? I'm working on making a new character sheet for my PnP campaign, and I'll like to throw in three or four, without having to screenshot and alter in Photoshop to get them.
Thanks, didn't know that was there.

I remember seeing one for the user-created "Nutcracker" perk ... don't suppose you've got that one laying around somewhere too? Pretty please? :)
hmz at home i had a bookmark of 2 open directories with most of the pipboy thingies and some usermade perks

i've posted them here once too, but cant remember where :s

anyhow, remind me when i'm home in a day or 2 and i'll post it
Try here. The images are the perkgag ones, just add "perkgagxx.jpg" where xx is a number between 01 and 15. There is also a composite image of them here.
I found it a while ago on a GIS, put an image in my sig and swiftly found 3 or 4 others using one!
Mebbe I have more influence than I thought. ;)

That one pwns.
Those are cool, but the picture I meant was clearly not in either of the Fallout games - it shows Pipboy bent over, hands over his groin, eyes bugging out in pain. I think it was once someone's avatar on a Fallout board when I saw it. If nobody knows what I'm talking about, that's ok, I'll survive without it.
word to the wise- the pipboy is NOT the same as the vault boy. what you guys are referring to is the vault boy :-P
who cares ...

this discussion has been done before, dont wanna go into that again. i'll call that little guy whutever i want to
Jabbapop said:
word to the wise- the pipboy is NOT the same as the vault boy. what you guys are referring to is the vault boy :-P

Oh god, not one of these arguements AGAIN.

People can call it whatever they want.
I dunno, I only mentioned it because I recently read Leanord Boyarsky's opinion of the matter.

"As Art Director, I was responsible for the look and mood of the game (as far as visuals were concerned). I came up with the idea of the “future of the fifties” setting, and had to convince everyone that that was the way to go. I also came up with the idea/design for the “Vault Boy” and the “cards” (as I called them) showing him doing all the different things in humorous ways. By the way, he’s not the Pip Boy, the Pip Boy is the little guy on your Pip Boy interface. The Vault Boy was supposed to evoke the feel of Monopoly cards, and the Pip Boy was based on the Bob’s Big Boy mascot."

Pipboy Pics?


Im just asking where to find those pipboy pictures? I need pictures from perks: Die hard, Drunken Master etc. I have tried Google and lots of fallout galleries but no with luck. Have tou guys seen any place where these pics could be?
Downloading the Fallout demo and the proper DAT extractor from this site will let you nick all of them.