The radiated land of the northern Europa


First time out of the vault
I am making rpg setting for Fallout world that is set in the North Europe/Scandinavia. I am looking for all information that is made in fallout involving europa, ussr and scandinavia. I have read the wwIII Europe.

In the Northern world there is competitive organization named BoT - Brotherhood of Tesla. it is quite much reflected to US BoS.

Also made military organization of Remnants of Soviet Union. They are quite militaristic and seeks to organize old Soviet glory to the north.

Old religion of north is gathering up old god beliefs. Varjags are gathered tribes of north that take lots of influence from viking cultures and also raid other parts of Europe.

I take all ideas in considerations and be updating my northern world as it grows bigger here.
Organizations in Desolated Northern Europe

Brotherhood of Tesla
: Branch of survived Military scientists and engineers. Have been living years in old military vault/bunker in Siperia and now slowly regaining their strength through seeking out old technology. They seek to restore old tech and preventing it from falling in wrong hands.

Remnants of the Soviet Union: As the bomb hit some of government officials survived in Bunkers that were built if the worst case scenario would happen, Sadly only half of the intended people got in before it all broke down as Nuclear war hit the world. They have political organ in their bunker and also military. They seek to restore Mother Russian to glory days. They seek to unite the people of desolated north and Russian under their rule through power. They have few Tanks that still were operational as they run on nuclear power but slowly are being noticed that their superior tank army of dozens of tanks is decaying. Source of power is depleting and they seek alternative ways to spread their control over the north.

Varjags: Comming Soon
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The Soviet Union in our world had a very sophisticated civil defense system, lightyears beyond the US and with a (relatively) huge margin of survivability. This would result in one of three things: Either a large number of semi-civilized tribes/states, a resurgent soviet powerhouse, or a massive ghoul wasteland due to FEV. The latter sounds more apropos, and prevents the USSR from dominating the post-war world by default, but then wouldn't China be better off that way? You could always cop out and turn the USSR into Metro: Everyone lives underground, and stays underground. Perhaps they're too paranoid to leave? Who needs molerats when you have molemen?
The Soviet Union in our world had a very sophisticated civil defense system, lightyears beyond the US and with a (relatively) huge margin of survivability. This would result in one of three things: Either a large number of semi-civilized tribes/states, a resurgent soviet powerhouse, or a massive ghoul wasteland due to FEV. The latter sounds more apropos, and prevents the USSR from dominating the post-war world by default, but then wouldn't China be better off that way? You could always cop out and turn the USSR into Metro: Everyone lives underground, and stays underground. Perhaps they're too paranoid to leave? Who needs molerats when you have molemen?

China would be really messed up. And they could've gotten even more messed up, if it wasn't for a screw up by the Hei Gui Dragoons.

The screw up was that the Dragoons stole a Limit 115 sample, and spread it, accidently, in Hoover Dam and Denver.

As for why it would be messed up, remember, according to President Richardson, the USA was at the Capital of China before the Bombs fell.
The USSR remnants sound a bit sketchy to me. I suppose an organization can take on the identity of a former nation (specially if it's its remnant) in order to unify all the dissident elements in their former territory after the War, but consider that these remnants saw the world go up in nuclear flames. That is sure to change their perspective someone: maybe they'll see it as a chance to conquer Europe, though in this case it wouldn't be practical to call themselves the USSR. Maybe they think that communism is the way to go if you want to survive in the post-apocalyptic wastes? A simple 'want to bring Mother Russia back to its glory' motivation seems to be barely grounded in post-apocalyptic reality.

The Enclave were kind of like that, but they had their own pretty totalitarian government and an interesting take on wastelanders - some flavor to a faction that can go a long way :).

Anyway, good luck with the concept. Oh, and maybe you've already heard of this, but as I recall from history lessons, Helsinki has several layers of defensive - trenches? walls? something - around it (in a very​ wide range about it), and they were able to use those defenses in tandem with guerrilla warfare in order to keep the Russians at bay when the two nations went to war. That could provide a nice backdrop for the headquarters of a powerful faction, if you want to use it ;)
Who needs molerats when you have molemen?

Geez, I guess No Bark was right:


Seriously though: Natalia Dubrovhsky, one of the premade characters in Fallout was the descendent of Soviet diplomats. Maybe there was a thaw in relations between the US and the USSR, possibly in the wake of a Sino-Soviet split?

I think it would be interesting to have a modest industrial city-state in the former USSR run by ghouls, sort of like the "good" ending for Necropolis but in Russia. And of course a nod or two toward Metro would be required if Russia was ever depicted in the series.

I don't think there should be government remnants of the USSR, or if there are, let them have developed a completely different ideology and society. Otherwise we're just kind of rehashing the Enclave, but with a Hammer and Sickle instead of the Stars and Stripes.
I don't think that the USSR was involved in the war.

Yeah but when the bombs were launched they went everywhere. Chances are pretty good that they got hit as badly as the rest of the world, especially given their place in the resource wars. Nobody wanted the USSR coming and recolonizing the world after it was destroyed, while the USSR probably launched it's arsenal right back at the nations which dropped the bomb on them (I'm guessing that the majority of the Western Europe nations had a nuclear exchange with the USSR during the short Great War. The Great War was a confused jumble of mess. I thought I read somewhere that there were countries which saw bombers/ICBM's on their radar screens (bombers which weren't actually headed toward their country, probably just flying past or near it), got spooked given the high intensity period during the later Resource Wars, called command and control with a "We're under attack!" message, who in turn told them to bomb the other country. I'm guessing their radars probably picked up ICBM's being launched before they were even left the owning nation's airspace also. I don't think a government who just found out another nation is launching their entire nuclear stockpile would just sit there and say "Well, let's see where they land". So there were indeed many nations that weren't supposed to be a part of it that ended up becoming a part of it. I even have a theory that even non-nuclear powers had their bombers take off and bomb cities with large amounts of non-nuclear explosive ordinance (who then got nuked in return, if they weren't nuked in the first place), which is why some cities in the US (and probably around the world) look like there was no way they could have been nuked (not counting LA and San Francisco) but still retain heavy damage. Like I said, the Great War was a huge confusion, and I'm pretty sure ALL of the nuclear powers were involved, and many non-nuclear powers. You know, considering how fast jet airplanes and missiles travel, and how fast messages can be passed up the chain-of-command (especially if they are to warn about incoming nukes), two hours is kind of a long time. Plenty of things can happen in that period of time.

My ultimate theory is that, no major countries' government survived the Great War (or if they did, they ended up as a small-faction of remnants like the Enclave). Because if they did, 200 years would be enough time to start colonizing the world. Ok say, that even a major country like Russia DIDN'T get hit. Well, considering the HUGE resource drain before the Great War, and add to that the rest of the world's governments collapsing (meaning there is no more trade) and large amounts of radiation seeping into the country from the surrounding nations that did get hit, eventually the country's government would collapse, and it would become a realm of post-nuclear apocalyptia anyways despite the fact that they didn't get hit. After the government couldn't feed it's population anymore or get it other daily necessities because they were hoarding whatever resources were left to keep the government alive, rioting and/or war would break out. And a nation in under that kind of strain couldn't support a war. The government would collapse within weeks. Anarchy would take over, and eventually, Russia becomes a post-nuclear paradise like the rest of the world.

What I want to know though, is what happened to the bomber pilots who didn't get shot down when they landed back in their own country after a successful bombing run only to find it utterly destroyed?
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Yeah irl. But this isn't real life, it's Fallout. You have to remember the "technology re-balance".