The ramblings of a Fallout Junky.

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I think I've played too much fallout - I start to see things in everyday life as percentages and stats. If I can't find my remote it's always because my perception wasn't high enough, If I can't find a certain site I'm looking for on the net..Well, it's obvious to see that my Science skill wasn't up to par. And that feeling you get after sex where you were just a little too fast and you don't think your girlfriend had a good time.. Well, That always makes me wish I had the Kama Sutra perk.
I am one sad sad little man. Comments?
Psý¢hø Ädd¡¢t
he he... I was going shopping once, and I thought I should cross the street and buy an icecream... then suddenly I stopped, and asked myself a question? do I have enough action points to cross the street in one turn? :-)

I was really addicted as you can see

No Mutants Allowed - Fallout WebSite
RE: you think thats bad

I hunt and once before I was going to pull the trigger I had to wait for the targeting screen to come up.
RE: you think thats bad

I'm still looking for fallout shelter sign and gas masks.

[img align=center" src="//" name="nukebutton" onClick="document.images.nukebutton.src='//' ]
[input type=submit value=Click for Nod Ending music" onClick="window.location.href='//]
RE: you think thats bad

im getting pissed because the cost of micro fusion cells is skyrocketing. If this gets any worse im gonna have to walk everywhere.
RE: you think thats bad

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Oct-07-00 AT 08:03PM (GMT)[p]You mean fuel? You live in the USA? I'll tell you what: I live in Norway. The fuel here is 11 crowns a liter. That's 1.375 dollars. I don't know the conversion from liter to gallon. Heart attacked yet? We're like the 3rd biggest oil exporting country in the world (if i'm right) and we have like the HIGHEST oil prices in the world. And it's all because the politicians here want us to drive less. We're one of the greenest countries in the world, i think. Dually metaphorically speaking.

But i must say it's got it's upsides. I really think the air is a BIT less gray in Oslo than in LA.

Oh and to keep it on topic: When I couldn't repair my friend's VCR, i felt that my repair skill was too low, so i had to kill something for experience. I nearly started to punch my friend.
Holly shit

"That's 1.375 dollars"

Holly crap, one gallon is four litters, therefore you guys pay $5.5 a gallon.
That's nothing compared to what they pay in England..

> "That's 1.375 dollars"
> Holly crap, one gallon
>is four litters, therefore you
>guys pay $5.5 a gallon.

In England, prices rose (or are at) about a pound per liter.

$1 = £0.6092
1 gal = 3.79 liters

Therefore $6.22 per gallon. Sheesh, and we're complaining about gas prices over $1.50.

Ah.. I love living in the USA.

To the tune of "Proud to be an American":

"And I'm proud to be an American, where gas
RE: you think thats bad

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Oct-09-00 AT 06:46PM (GMT)[p]where the hell you gonna go on a full tank of gas? your country is so small you could drive across it 4 times before you ran outa gas. .

P.S. isnt it like 5 bucks a liter in switzerland? i hear they have it pretty bad.
RE: That's nothing compared to what they pay in England..

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Oct-09-00 AT 07:43PM (GMT)[p]>"And I'm proud to be an American, where gas -

You left it open, so I took the liberty to continue:

- lies over the country, and clogs up your lungs with the color of grey, and that's all because it's so wickedly cheeeap... *cough Cough COUGH AAACHCH! (slump to the floor)*

"And I'm proud to be a Norwegian, where gas is so vastly expensive, and there's no sign of dust on the buildings, or rust,
RE: you think thats bad

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Oct-09-00 AT 07:48PM (GMT)[p]Our country's thin, but it's pretty long, around 3,200 US miles straight through. Unless you use a micro fusion cell (which I highly doubt) you'll need pretty many refills to get from north to south.

You must be thinking about some other America and what's the use of living if you can't drive? Just as Krusty the Clown once said,"the survivors would envy the dead!"
RE: That's nothing compared to what they pay in England..

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Oct-10-00 AT 01:17AM (GMT)[p]>>"And I'm proud to be an American, where gas -
>You left it open, so I
>took the liberty to continue:
>- lies over the country, and
>clogs up your lungs with
>the color of grey, and
>that's all because it's so
>wickedly cheeeap... *cough Cough COUGH
>AAACHCH! (slump to the floor)*
>"And I'm proud to be a
>Norwegian, where gas is so
>vastly expensive, and there's no
>sign of dust on the
>buildings, or rust,
>and there's no sign of SMOG

NOTE: The following is meant to be a cut to your nation only for your benefit (i.e. no offense intended), so feel free to dis on my nation in response:

Three words: Standard of Living.

In America driving is part of living. You get your fancy cars and cool looking chrome wheels and you'd be wishing you were living here too. In Europe (no offense, this is meant to just spite you) the streets are so small you're forced to drive those ugly looking round BMW cars which can't go above 40 MPH, and demoralizing cycles, if you could call them that (not Harleys), rather motorized scooters.

Many people here think the new Volkswagon Bug is ugly and strange looking. Just compare them to the city-cars you find in Europe (again, a rash general assumption only to provoke Rune and not necessarily true).

As for gas problems, Norweigen citizens must be living at the mercy of the politicians. Politicians here wouldn't DARE try a ploy like that. Power to the people eh? That's what "freedom" is all about.

To the tune of "Proud to be an American":

"And I'm proud to be an American, where I drive an S-U-V. 'Cause in Norway gas is just so high, it would surely bankrupt me..."

I should post a link to a copy of that song...


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RE: you think thats bad

>Our country's thin, but it's pretty
>long, around 3,200 US miles
>straight through.

I don't think so... afaik, sweden is about 1500 km., and norway is approx. the same size.

- I'm the beginning, I am the end; I am the Alpha, I am the Omega -
RE: That's nothing compared to what they pay in England..

They didn't get away with it the price is back down to about 80p a litre.

Just think in <30 years time no more petrol! That should be really fun.
RE: That's nothing compared to what they pay in England..

>They didn't get away with it
>the price is back down
>to about 80p a litre.
>Just think in <30 years time
>no more petrol! That
>should be really fun.

I dunno, I've heard the USA has more oil under it than Saudi Arabia.. Besides, that oil scare of the 1970's resulted in a study that said that oil reserves in the Mid-East would last for at least 150 years or something. That was when no car got over 20 miles/gal.


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When I first started playing Fallout I wished that a nuclear war would desimate america so I can wander the wastes like the Vault dweller