The Sith Lords Restored Content Project is Complete


Look, Ma! Two Heads!

Well, it's actually just open for Beta which means there are still a few bugs and glitches to be taken care of but close enough

Enjoy KOTOR 2 as it was meant to be!


EDIT: Well, at least Chris Avellone must be really happy....this game was messed up because of LucasArts and he seemed to have worked really hard on this game along with the rest of Obsidian.... Don't worry Chris, it's all ok now... :wink:

EDIT 2 : Corrected the title of thread to make it refer to the proper mod project...
The title of the thread is a bit misleading. The Sith Lords Restoration Project, or TSLRP, is the restoration project undertaken by Team Gizka. Team Gizka now consists of only one person, Dashus, and the chances of it ever seeing the light of day are looking grim.

What you're posting to is likely the best KotOR2 fans are going to get, which is Darth Stoney's TSL Restored Content Project (TSLRCP if you're going to abbreviate it).

You got me a bit riled until I saw you were talking about Darth Stoney's project. :P
Gotta throw in my $.02 on this. Dashus is a massive douche for acting like he even sort of cared about the project, then disappearing without even releasing what had been done -- at least that way maybe Stoney or someone could have used all the work TG had apparently done. I know an early in-house beta or somesuch was leaked, but that's not the same -- and was done against the wishes of TG.
The title of the thread is a bit misleading. The Sith Lords Restoration Project, or TSLRP, is the restoration project undertaken by Team Gizka. Team Gizka now consists of only one person, Dashus, and the chances of it ever seeing the light of day are looking grim.

What you're posting to is likely the best KotOR2 fans are going to get, which is Darth Stoney's TSL Restored Content Project (TSLRCP if you're going to abbreviate it).

You got me a bit riled until I saw you were talking about Darth Stoney's project.

Oh, sorry about that...honest mistake...

Gotta throw in my $.02 on this. Dashus is a massive douche for acting like he even sort of cared about the project, then disappearing without even releasing what had been done -- at least that way maybe Stoney or someone could have used all the work TG had apparently done. I know an early in-house beta or somesuch was leaked, but that's not the same -- and was done against the wishes of TG.

Yeah, I always wondered why why he never released the stuff...
There was another KOTOR 2 mod project going on where they were trying to put the droid planet back in. Well, that team fell apart but the mod devs didn't even release the stuff they HAD finished which could have led to some other modders finishing the work...
Meh, Mod devs can get really arrogant sometimes.. :lol:
DGT said:
Dashus is a massive douche for acting like he even sort of cared about the project, then disappearing without even releasing what had been done[...]
Well, supposedly, he hasn't disappeared, work is just proceeding... uh, slowly, to make an understatement. I believe he stated his intent is to finish it himself and that's why it has not been released to be finished up by another party.

Of course, if he never rematerializes or simply doesn't get back to it soon, then he really will be a massive douche if he doesn't release what has been done (and give explicit consent for another party to finish it up, as most modders aren't going to pick up someone else's work without consent, as it should be).

Funny how this thread about DStoney's completed restoration mod has devolved into talking about Dashus and the TSLRP. If Dashus doesn't reappear soon, I'll probably reinstall KotOR2 and give DStoney's mod a whirl. I was so looking forward to the TSLRP though. :cry:
I visit TSLRP forum from time to time and judging by Dashus' tone of his last posts, he will never finish this mod or will do it in a very long time.

Personally, I'll wait till the open beta is over and the game-breaking bugs are dealt with until I'll bother to download Stoney's work.
Funny how this thread about DStoney's completed restoration mod has devolved into talking about Dashus and the TSLRP. If Dashus doesn't reappear soon, I'll probably reinstall KotOR2 and give DStoney's mod a whirl. I was so looking forward to the TSLRP though.

Hold on a second...

Aside from some bugs what differences are there between this Beta DStoney's Restoration Mod and Dashus's vaporware(most likely) mod?

Just wondering...I thought they were both after restroing the same content...
DStoney isn't restoring HK Factory I guess, since it required shitloads of work AFAIK. But on the other hand it restores some stuff TSLRP doesn't.
The Sith Lords Restoration Project was leaked some time ago and is still available from certain places.
Tagaziel said:
The Sith Lords Restoration Project was leaked some time ago and is still available from certain places.

I smell a certain berk with sounds of jink in his ears.

DStoney IS restoring the HK factory but he is NOT restoring the Genoharden sidequest on Nar Shaadaa(sp?)...

And I think Team Gizka was going to add some additional content along with restoring stuff..

Anyway, it looks like both of these mods are already available on the some form...