The Steering Wheel entity


The Dark Templar of the New Brotherhood of Steel
tl;dr - I'm trying to find the steering wheel entity (as in the thing you have in your hand when you enter a vehicle), or to be more precise, the display name for it (to use in locale).

To find any problems with missing locale, I made null names and null descriptions tell me that the translation is missing (instead of blank space).

However, this information also appears when I click on the steering wheel while in the inventory.

I've been trying to find what the display name for that is to no avail for hours now. I've also tried adding the vehicle display names into locale, without effect.

I hope it isn't hardcoded to return null as a display name...

It's making me wish for a debug version and a log file that would simply tell me what display names are missing...
If you open Entity Editor and load any vehicle in entities/vehicles/ folder, you'll notice in Vehicle/Boutton Sprite the path to the steering wheel is there. It is not an entity per se, but a .spr file. My wild guess is that there is no entity, it is probably created on the go using the sprite selected there. But I might be wrong.

About the name: Name of entities in Tactics are usually tied to their portrait. I did not find the vehicle portraits in core/gui/char in my vanilla game folder, but I have all of them in my mod, and they look like this "vehicleAPC.zar". The steering wheel names are then also the same, located in core/locale/game/characters.txt

name_vehicleTruck                        = {Pickup}
name_vehicleAPC                             = {Convoy}
name_vehicleBuggy                             = {Buggy}
name_vehicleHummer                            = {Hummer}
name_vehicleNuke                             = {Nuke Carrier}
name_vehicleScout                             = {Jeep}
name_vehicleScouter                             = {Scouter}
name_vehicleTank                             = {Tank}
If you open Entity Editor and load any vehicle in entities/vehicles/ folder, you'll notice in Vehicle/Boutton Sprite the path to the steering wheel is there. It is not an entity per se, but a .spr file. My wild guess is that there is no entity, it is probably created on the go using the sprite selected there. But I might be wrong.

About the name: Name of entities in Tactics are usually tied to their portrait. I did not find the vehicle portraits in core/gui/char in my vanilla game folder, but I have all of them in my mod, and they look like this "vehicleAPC.zar". The steering wheel names are then also the same, located in core/locale/game/characters.txt

name_vehicleTruck                        = {Pickup}
name_vehicleAPC                             = {Convoy}
name_vehicleBuggy                             = {Buggy}
name_vehicleHummer                            = {Hummer}
name_vehicleNuke                             = {Nuke Carrier}
name_vehicleScout                             = {Jeep}
name_vehicleScouter                             = {Scouter}
name_vehicleTank                             = {Tank}

I just tried it and it doesn't work. For me (the Czech non-Unicode version 1.27), it uses items.txt to get the overworld mouse-over tooltip name (when I hover the mouse over a buggy in the world), but even after adding these to the characters.txt, it shows nothing, the translated string is null. If I add name_steeringWheel and name_SteeringWheel to both files, the result is the same - null.

The Steering Wheel cannot be localized.png