Fallout Tactics mod The Sum (1.7.1a)

This is strange... In no way it is using any .7z file, so it must not be included. It is, as you said, redundant. Only .bos files can work, and I don't know how to. Still, I checked on my research tool "Everything" and in the folder you mentionned and did not find the .7z file you are talking about. Are you certain you didn't create it by mistake?
This is strange... In no way it is using any .7z file, so it must not be included. It is, as you said, redundant. Only .bos files can work, and I don't know how to. Still, I checked on my research tool "Everything" and in the folder you mentionned and did not find the .7z file you are talking about. Are you certain you didn't create it by mistake?
So sorry, my mistake. Thanks anyway.
The Sum by Hugo Nadeu
(Based on Fallout Tactics Engine)
Name: The Sum or Nous Aurons (mod for Fallout Tactics)
Version: 1.6a
Language: US / FR
Author: nadeuhugo
Website: NMA || moddb || Website || Discord
Copyright: Bethesda Softworks LLC.
The Sum:
This total transformation mod (not following Fallout lore) aims to bring to life anarchist utopias after Global meltdown. It takes place in eastern part of former Canada and United-States. The game is a bilingual (french & english) single player non-linear RPG. It can be called a radical camping simulator or a positive post-apocalyptic game. The world has been challenged by the Sum of all heavily anticipated catastrophies. Humans survived and organised themselves according to a mix of anarchistic, aboriginal, technological and nomadic ways of living, mostly driven by anarchist ideas (anti-domination, direct democracy, freedom and autonomy). In-game, "Sum" refers to the sum of all catastrophies, a cult, a currency and mispellings of words "son" and "sun". The Sum (french version : Nous Aurons) is an art project created by the french-canadian artist Hugo Nadeau (www.hugonadeau.com).

  • Download and extract\unzip The Sum archive to a convenient location.
  • - Open "The Sum\Game" folder and launch the game from one of the files: "The Sum.bat" or "Nous Aurons.bat".
  • Install The Sum (actual version).
  • - Launch game from one of the shortcuts.
Patch: You can update the modification using the cumulative patch.
  • Download and extract\unzip The Sum Patch (archive).
  • Extract\unzip to a same location. Agreeing to overwrite the files.
Bugs & Feedback:

Differences from the original:
  • Installer with language selection.
  • Running a game with a single CPU core mode.
Helpful links:
!!! Maybe I'll make a few more changes.
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Hugo, you have made an amazing project. I am a an anarchist and would love to delve in the game soon :).
Ah superb! This pleases me very much. And don't be afraid to give me any comment and suggestion you feel like, kind or harsh no matter, I will take them into account as the game will still be in development for quite a while. There are still much to do with the communities, so any help to flesh them out or make them have deeper meaning and political roots will be precious :D
I've been having a good time playing the mod so far, almost lost my vehicle to a band of wild dogs who we're trying to kill it while I was away exploring. Anyways I was wondering if there was a save editor that could be used on the saves, I want to tinker with my character some.
Ah, Wonders! There are no save editor specific to The Sum, but I guess any Tactics savegame editor, like Bosche (https://www.fileplanet.com/archive/p-54032/BOSCHE-Fallout-Tactics-Character-Editor-v3-10) would work? Never tried those, unfortunately.

Also, after playing a bit more with LUA (from FTSE), I created a config file for The Sum, to let the player tweek some options. Currently, it includes only the possibility of disabling / changing the values of Hunger mechanics, both while traveling or in-maps, but I could add some cheats to it, like special stats, starting items or else in the future, it is feasible.

The only one that will even open the save files is BoShe 3.20, but it's showing a character that isn't mine. So character and save editing isn't possible right now. Ran into two oddities, the abandoned dog somehow gained infinite skill points, so I maxed several skills. I then went on a stealing spree in Capital city and after coming back to the town, almost every single npc was dead or dying. I was wondering if that is normal and caused by me stealing or if it was something else.
There are several other save editor (available in the tools pack), but they also may not work, you need to check.
The only one that will even open the save files is BoShe 3.20, but it's showing a character that isn't mine. So character and save editing isn't possible right now. Ran into two oddities, the abandoned dog somehow gained infinite skill points, so I maxed several skills. I then went on a stealing spree in Capital city and after coming back to the town, almost every single npc was dead or dying. I was wondering if that is normal and caused by me stealing or if it was something else.

Maybe you would have better luck just to edit your character the way you want it with the entity editor of Tactics. Anyways, you can just use a prefab character in my mod, and also the editors are available right through the main menu, so go for this instead (if of course you don't mind starting a new game. You press MORE in the main menu, then ENTITY EDITOR, and everything you can possibly change is there, in "Actors/Prefab". _FAIBLE files are only duplicated character files with injuries, don't worry about those.

As for the bugs, they are known to me and I think both of them are solved in my current build. The first has to do with the skill Reading giving 1/10 of that skill to skill points per level. But as it was sometimes getting out of hand, I removed that feature. The second is I am quite sure due to hunger in maps, that also affect other NPC... As I changed the hunger system completely, now all other NPC should not be affected at all anymore.
Oh, yes, portrait and names are a bit more tricky. You change the display name for a CODE of your choice, then go to core/locale/game/characters.txt and add your code as an entry there with your chosen name. Then go to core/gui/char and choose a portrait there, then duplicate the file and give it your code name. Both will be linked and you will have a new portrait.