Fallout Tactics mod The Sum (1.8b)

I think most people using a mod these days also know about 7z, I've been using it for distribution for a long time and never had any questions about it.

The first thing I noticed in looking at your mod was all the maps. That's a lot of work no matter what, they still had to be revised, populated, and so forth. Your approach with re-purposing maps is a solid example for others to consider. Making maps from scratch often doesn't seem like it's worth the effort-- I'm fairly efficient, and for a 5 by 5 map it takes me around 200-250 hours when starting from a blank screen. We'd all have a lot more adventures to play if folks would first consider whether there are maps already out there that can be adapted rather than the alternative.
Ah exactly, thats a LOT of hours of work for a new map. And we never know how far just changing an existing map or copy/paste already created buildings can bring us.

It is strange, but as I wanted A LOT of abandonned areas, one of the big work I had to do was not to populate the maps, but to "unpopulate" them! In a lot of places, I had to kill each person, remove all fireplaces, electric lights and fire lights of theses places to make sure they look deserted...

I don't know exactly what is the problem, but at this moment MOD DB just ereased my two main download files for the demo... (!!!) The PC and MAC stand-alone version. This must have to do with the stand-alone thing, as they may think I am doing something against the rights of Bethesda or their site regulations. I just wrote them wishing they may accept to put the links back. I really hope they didn't just erease the things without keeping a copy or something. I spent two days adding theses links and make sure all were ok. I'll say to all be very careful in the future with modDB if you want to make some stand-alone version available. At least the mod version download is still there.
Hi guys! You know what? The Sum English demo has arrived!


In advance, sorry for the POOR English I'm using in it. At least you'll know what's happening in there. The mod uses a totally new set of triggers that are more complex (OUCH) and less buggy.

One day, texts will be better and someone will make some texts revision...

Until then, have fun trying it and please share your ideas and comments! I need it!

One last thing. I decided to opened wide the doors to the team, so If anyone is interested, I'll be happy to welcome you and that could be really rewarding in an artistic and personal way. Here is my """Job""" announcement : http://www.moddb.com/mods/thesum/jobs/modder. (it may only appear in some days, I am not sure...)
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There are a lot of french texts in the English Complete version, but I could only understand English...:shock:

If I put a key in my left/right hand, then click it and click a door or a box, BOS.exe crashed. I know the key will used automatically , but I just want to try. Is it a bug?
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Oh I never tried that trick with the key yet. I don't know if this is a bug, maybe a bug with only one or few mission maps. I'll need to make more tests.

Are the texts dialogues or just texts? In the final version of the game, there will still be a lot of french texts, but these texts will ONLY be conversations with people, I mean messages given to you by french speakers. The english version will know that and ask french speakers to speak English, and that will work most of the time but not always... Exact same thing for french version. It will include a lot of english dialogs, mostly in United-States but somewhere else too of course.
New version (V3) ready! Tell me what you think of it and report any bug you find!

- +300 new items including new weapons (atlatl, crossbows, slingshots, blowguns, home-made guns, gas weapons, etc.)
- New armor system without Armor class (now only Agility, shields and perks can help you avoid bullets!)
- New false and deadly endings
- Each game now start with the choice of either leaving or staying.
- 100 recruits (4 per community) available based on your Negociation skill.
- A new skill : Reading, needed to get access to books + 100 new books.
- Each core map (175) have new contents and hidden objects.
- Each community (25) now have living people in them. Some of them talk and some can barter.
- There are computers you can use to reveal locations (science skill).
- Corpses randomly found now have more interesting objects on them.
- Animated manhole cover.
- Fixed flare that produce permanent light in the area.
- Updated, less frequent random encounters.
- Less bugs.

I took a look at the maps in editor and a lot of them are really underwhelming (talking only about tiles of course). One of them, named neige_gare, is extremely well made though. It reminds me painfully how much I always wanted to make some snow map but the campaign settings never allowed it. I'll take a look at the gameplay some time in the near future.
Hehe yeah good idea because tiles are really not the thing to look for in this mod I must say. Didn't know that when I first started the project, but tiles went to the very bottom of my list and stayed there. I spent my efforts on anything but that since the beginning of the project. I even decided to erease very promissing maps just because they were too much incomplete and I didn't want to spend precious time working on them. Almost, if not all of the maps are directly taken from other mods or downloadable maps. The result is that all the areas in the game offer little references to real world cities (Detroit, Chicago, etc.) but that will not change much in the last game version because as the game is taking place like 200 years in the future, most places are wiped out and buildings been rebuilt and even fell down after so I don't care much about resemblance. I want to add some references to contemporary products and celebrities (Pepsi, Celine Dion, Scientology, Ikea, Burger King etc. etc.) and add more secret places, but maps will stay about the same.

Thanks for the reply anyways and please keep me updated on what you think of the project and what can I do to improve it!
Excellent thanks! There is a minor bug that may interfere with the game in the V3 version (it often fuck up the starting map triggers and then you can't play and need to start again). Just check the comments to see a very simple way to correct that once you have the game.
yes i saw your previous comments thanks.I love all the maps that i´ve been so far and
speaking of maps, that thing seems to be HUGE.
I really like what you are doing here i hope it´s a stand alone Fallout type thing with factions,scavengers and all that the wasteland can sh*t out.
So i will continue to play and wait for final version.
Don´t give up this project you are doing a great job:clap:
Oh yeah thanks!! That is a great motivation to get to the end of this project. It is indeed a HUGE mod, at least 20 cities and at least a hundred other locations with eventually lone survivors, gangs, animals and hidden shelters with home made traps in them. And yess all intended to be a stand alone game with many factions (win-win wirlwind or WWW, the Carmorers, the wendigos, the summists, the sisterhood) and some real-world factions (Red Cross, knights of Colombus, Road Warriors). Nothing is related to Fallout exept a small reference to the "Children of the Appocalypse" somewhere. Still a lot of work to do (specially improving the AI - tried to do it but it seems worse than before in some occasions), but I ´ll get to it!
How did you manage to make the ambient music work? I couldn't get it to work and I tried it many times in the past years. I had to use ambient sounds on loop, but those are interrupted and restarted by speech.
Hehe there is no miracle in the way I play with ambiant music in my mod, I also use ambient sounds on loop, (the only other way is to have custom music unabled, but you can't control wich music is played where...).

The difference is that I cracked BOS.exe to make sure speech don't interrupt any ambiant sounds when popping. It works but I have a bug with main menu music. It sometimes continue after beginning the game and go on top of my ambiant music. I don't know if that bug is always present in all mods or not. I solved this by having a short intro music with a long silence after it.
Well, good job on that. I'd remove the menu music completely if I were you. You spend what, 20 seconds in it in general? Meanwhile the player might spend hours in the actual game. I wish there was some variable in the FT Improver settings to switch this feature on or off as the user pleases.
Oh, not necessary, as the bug only happen once at the very beginning of the game only. It never happen again after the game is started. I usually put the volume also lower a little, so the game soundtrack is really higher than the menu music so it is not really noticed. But your right, it is really easy to live without menu music :D Hum.. I think there is a switch in fact! As ambiant music in game is modified under game sound slide, and menu and worldmap music under Music slide in the option menu, you can switch one off and not the other..
Sorry, I meant your .exe hack. I wish I could just disable the muting of ambient sounds by speech in the settings. Do you think I could use your BOS.exe in my mod? It's fucking brilliant, talking to people without resetting the soundtrack :3