Fallout Tactics mod The Sum (1.8b)

Of course just take it! The only thing missing in this hack I think is the sniper perk that is not fixed. But I never really cared much for it. I suggest also that you program your soundtrack to have some variations or a silent time between the play, it can get annoying... I'll do that when I'll get some time..
Thanks. Most locations in my campaign have a looping music track with random ambient sounds. I believe it will be enough and that it won't get too annoying, but I'll see once I get to play some longer part of the campaign. I am just playtesting newly added features for now.
He man happy that you are here and active, that really is becoming something rare around here!! Yeah great strategy with the random ambient sounds, it really is the way to add some variety in the whole thing! It's been a while already since I worked on my mod I really really look forward to go back to it! You reminds me that haha! I was so occupied, also in a music/performance/game show using The Sum Mod, that I didn't had time since at least a month or two!

He if you have a video of your new features being tested, go ahead that would be cool to see!
I wasn't working with FT for months (or rather weeks) either :) That's the problem with me, when I get creative, I can work on something nonstop for two weeks or a month, but then I get to a longer phase of exhaustion or something like that.
Right now, I am working on quests, dialogues and NPCs to populate maps I have. I am thinking of crossing out most dialogue trees and making it less complex for the sake of finishing it in this decade. I also wanted the game to be finishable without a single kill, but I guess that would need complex dialogues to be fun, so I'll cross this out as well.
Anyway, nothing to show for now, except maybe the maps themselves, which look pretty good imo.
Hehe I guess it doesn't matter in a way that you need to take off some features at the end. Everybody do that and the way I am seeing it, it only means that you chose which thing was the most important and let go the rest. We can't revolutionize everything hehe!!!!! As you know I myself let go for now all possible dialog trees, focussing more on the character skills and traits to trigger special dialogues, which finally I realize now is also a big task to implement haha!

Don't loose hope and patience in making your mod. Exhaustion or void periods do not count at all, it is more a kind of marathon thing to follow! You'll get to it sooner or later and I'll be that to contemplate the results, you can be sure of it!!! :D
I found out your BOS.exe makes all my triggers working with player's tag to stop working :( No more player character speech, no more skill checks (I want companions, so the conditions have to be unit- and not player-targeted). So I was forced to return back to the vanilla .exe, because the mod is all about using this feature. It will be the first campaign where your character talks, although only sometimes and not really significantly, as I don't want to force a personality on the PC.
Hi people!

Happy to announce that my first version of The Sum is finally released under the version 1.4 at Moddb : http://www.moddb.com/mods/thesum. I added SO MANY things since the last demo version, that is a totally new thing. Now you can explore any map and you'll get your hands on something. There are also many new dangers and environment dangers as well. I also added in-game videos with introduction videos too. Come and see!
I found out your BOS.exe makes all my triggers working with player's tag to stop working :( No more player character speech, no more skill checks (I want companions, so the conditions have to be unit- and not player-targeted). So I was forced to return back to the vanilla .exe, because the mod is all about using this feature. It will be the first campaign where your character talks, although only sometimes and not really significantly, as I don't want to force a personality on the PC.

Oh I didn't see this Reinar. I think you should make your own BOS.exe file with the hack you need for your own mod. See this topic to have an idea what to do... I did it without knowledge on how to hack a .exe so you will certainly be able to do that too. : http://www.nma-fallout.com/threads/list-of-hex-based-fixes-changes-in-bos-exe-file.202858/
Thanks. The "don't erase tag names" fix didn't work for me (again), but that music loop fix is fuckin' brilliant.
Maybe it's just the way you use it? I know it didn't worked for me for all custom characters, so I had to remove that feature in my mod. It must be because the only way to asign the tagname properly to be able to keep it always is to assign it in the entity directly...
Now this is a mod, it's a revamp of FOT. You've used some of my free maps in the mod, I think.

I've seen the trailer, I like at 0:05 how you made the troopers to move in swarm like they were marching or something. I was going to use that in FOT:LLTK. Also the gui modification.
He Hi!

Yeah the change from the original game is big. I used some of your maps that is certain, I remember, modified them a bit, and I probably used (at first) about every damn map I was able to get my hands on... Ha! That was NOT a good idea, because it gets confusing and it is SO MUCH WORK. But now I am confortable with the game, it is just pleasure working on it.

As for the troopers, In fact they start in this position and as the player group has to come from one entrance only, the troopers will always walk that way and keep their position in the line. I wanted them to act like robots. If you start fighting, they will move around eventually. I did that also to give the player the chance to throw grenades at the group, which gets reaaaallly effective. I know there is a way to assign a player to "group move", but the only thing it does in my opinion is to send all units to the same waypoint, then all together to another waypoint, etc. Then if you assign random waypoints, "group move", they will always stay together instead of spreading in the map.

That's it, keep up on your work that's great!
I have been having a problem that I am not sure if it is intended to be like this or if it is a bug.

I downloaded the latest file from ModDB, got it all working, but when I try to play with Nouvelle as soon as the game starts, in the initial shelter area everyone attacks me on sight :confused:.
The intro says something like "You can take care of yourself. But shouldn't be better to ask some other friend to join you?" but again, if anyone in the shelter sees me, they all attack. I am not opening any containers or grabbing anything, so I have no idea why they all attack. I am dead even before I can actually play :lol:.
I have been having a problem that I am not sure if it is intended to be like this or if it is a bug.

I downloaded the latest file from ModDB, got it all working, but when I try to play with Nouvelle as soon as the game starts, in the initial shelter area everyone attacks me on sight :confused:.
The intro says something like "You can take care of yourself. But shouldn't be better to ask some other friend to join you?" but again, if anyone in the shelter sees me, they all attack. I am not opening any containers or grabbing anything, so I have no idea why they all attack. I am dead even before I can actually play :lol:.

He thanks for trying this out! I'm sorry but this is a BUG and I am aware of the reason it appears. You see, there is always a fragile balance in the game where the inhabitants of all locations will attack you if they get hurt. The problem is that I added some environmental dangers in the game, like random traps and these people walk on them as soon as the game starts... So, on my next version I will remove the dangers to correct this.

I am working on an awsome new version now, with photos of each caracters spoken to, at least 50 quests and more... :D I'll release it as soon as I can. Wish you enjoy trying the mod!
He thanks for trying this out! I'm sorry but this is a BUG and I am aware of the reason it appears. You see, there is always a fragile balance in the game where the inhabitants of all locations will attack you if they get hurt. The problem is that I added some environmental dangers in the game, like random traps and these people walk on them as soon as the game starts... So, on my next version I will remove the dangers to correct this.

I am working on an awsome new version now, with photos of each caracters spoken to, at least 50 quests and more... :D I'll release it as soon as I can. Wish you enjoy trying the mod!
Thanks for the reply. :smile:
Now that I know it's a bug I won't be wondering if I did something wrong or missed something obvious :V.
I think I will wait for your next version, since I would like to experience the game (or should I say, art project :ok:) for the first time the best I can.

Anyway, great work on this project. I never liked Fallout Tactics much because it focus too much on combat (which makes sense, being a tactical party RPG), but your work seems so interesting and more focused on characters, environments and freedom that I am sure I will finally be able to enjoy Fallout Tactics engine :salute:.
So, thanks for your work.
Thanks for the reply. :smile:
Now that I know it's a bug I won't be wondering if I did something wrong or missed something obvious :V.
I think I will wait for your next version, since I would like to experience the game (or should I say, art project :ok:) for the first time the best I can.

Anyway, great work on this project. I never liked Fallout Tactics much because it focus too much on combat (which makes sense, being a tactical party RPG), but your work seems so interesting and more focused on characters, environments and freedom that I am sure I will finally be able to enjoy Fallout Tactics engine :salute:.
So, thanks for your work.

He good I totally understand that you wait the next version to try it for the first time, you will not be disappointed. Yeah the squad dynamic in my project is so different from the vanilla game, but still there and useful, as you can play the whole game without using any weapon. The way other squad members works is more flexible, as you can find squad members of very high level to join you (20 and more), even when you are just level 1. It simply depends on your Charisma, reputation with a community and Negotiation skill. You get more "automatic" experience each second if you travel with more people (as you can learn from them), but less if you have too much squad members - more than 6 - (because of conflicts within the group). Also, you have some bonus when some stats are above 75 (like cars found (driving), fruits found and fire started without a lighter (survival), dead animals found (traps), warnings on dangers (science and other skills). In the next version, all skills will be useful, including the Search skill that will give you secret weapons, objects and books automatically in many locations. I will also use it to give some clues to the player as for things he/she can do in special places. I also want to give a boost to repair skill that I always loved, but does not have many uses.

In the meanwhile, please enjoy other Tactics mods he! I'll go back to my work now :D
Hi! Oh it is in between those states to be exact. It is released, but with 30 quests or so out of 100 and still many bugs and missing features/contents. I’ll add a post here soon to show what’s new in my 1.5.3 version, but yeah I am still working on it, sometimes full time even.
So it is more like a beta ?
I will try to follow the thread more closely this year.
If it's still missing features and only 30% of quests made, then it's more like an Alpha.

I'm still waiting for this though. I have a feeling it will be great. :wiggle: