The Untamed Eastern Wastelands Ooc

Sin Lucifel Angel

First time out of the vault
Here is where we shall communicate for the rp thread for my idea. I hope you find it interesting and will want to join. It starts out with on specific person and that will be whom ever asks to join first :P
so I do so hope you'll wonna join my thought and have fun with me in this thread. :crazy: woot excited nnn dizzy man so yea i'll post my chara when done with dishes then continue with ya'll later. :o :? :)
Whelp here goes my chara XP

Name: Spirit Fae

Age: 19

Personality: Spirit is shy around new people yet goes rowdy when it comes to people she know's. In a way you could say she's hyper and happy. Though her personailty can "switch" if need be. Basically she can control her emotions to and etxtent. She's unique but definitely in her right mind even if she may seem otherwise at times.

Race: Mutant/Human Indian (Ok since this is new area I figure add new mutants and some classical ones known tp the fallout universe so here's one new species which I'll elaborate on after)

Looks: Spirit is 3/4s Indian and has paler skin then most of her people but it's still a deep golden tan with a reddish look to it. She has spring green eyes and long cascading raven waves of hair. She's tall 5'9" with a slim build and curvy figure of rounded hips and butt, long toned legs, thin waist of 20 inches and an ample bosom of 32E. Her face is oval with slightly high cheek bones that are barely pronounced with medium full crimson lips and a petite narrow nose. Beautiful raven wings with the span of 14ft of softness that can curl against the back. She has tattoos on her back in swirls and lines creating wings as hers stay skin tight pulled into her back.

Apparel: She wears a soft doe skin leather dress with beads sewn into it with colored quils when in the village as it hugs her body easily with doe skin moccasins. When she leaves and travels hunting for food and such she wears a pair of black mid thigh fitted shorts, and black spaghetti strap tank with crimson lace trimming, She wears her hair back in a braid. With a black half jacket over her tank. She wears three belts one resting on her hips, the other two criss crossed. The belts are ice blue on the crossing two and the one resting on her hips is crimson. She wears a pair of knee high black combat boots with steel toes. Finally she wears a pair of black fingerless gloves.

History: She's lived with her people her whole life and fought with the boys. She's learnt to live one with nature and hunts only when needed unless they're attacked by raidors in which then they attack back and slay the enemy. She was the tomboy of the village and showed up most of the boys in their stuff but was ok at everything but cooking when it came to girl's chores. This makes her a down cast in the eyes of her people. The tribes of Indian in the east are mutants yet are more human than mutant. They are connected with nature so that they can become mixed with animals. She's mixed with the raven while the rest were combined with wolves and coyotes and other animal species.

Weapons: She uses weapons she has made with the symbols of her tribesman embed into them. She uses the skinning knife, hunting knives, bow and arrows when hunting. When out not to hunt but just travel she uses swords, and guns as in the assault rifle, the sniper rifle, a sawed off shot gun, and finally two .45 glock pistols.
ill join
Fallout Roleplaying Character
Name: vash the typhoon
Nick Name: the red ace
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Classification: Human
Occupation: vigilante and defender of the innocent
Eyes: blue
Hair:blonde spiked hair
Height: 6'2"
Weight: unspecified
Race: Caucasian
Affiliations no one
Bio: unkown
Weapons: Lincoln's repeater, 10mm pistol that been modify to fire six shots and can use 10mm or .357 bullets, three silver white 357 revolvers, Tommy gun, doubled barrel shotgun, two katanas, sawed off shotgun. 2 colt 45 , 1 desert eagle. 2 frag grenades, 10mm smg. combat knife and .32 pistol.
Clothing: leather armor. red large jacket
Items: 8 stimpaks, Pipboy 3000A, 1,000 caps, ammo for all guns. and various food mostly doughnuts and sandwiches
states high charisma, strength and speed