Mr. 1010101
First time out of the vault
A while ago, I've been toying around with some of the fallout mod tools and such, but during this time I had been working through my head on my own game. Now I am finally starting to work on it by creating a little prototype game just to help get a feel for how this would all play. I've sort of settled on a title already, but for now I'm calling the "The Wandering." It's would be introduced episodically in short one hour segments and could ultimately run to as many as 50 episodes, maybe, and would be presented as a side-scroller ideally for iOS and Android. Due to its nature, I'm going to have to find help for this and create a team (something I never have done before ). Hopefully, this three-part prototype project will help in that regards. While I work on that however, is there anyone here that might be able to give me any advise on how I'm going to find help for this. This is important to me, since I've been working on the plot alone for about - err - six ... seven years ... -ish.