Hmm..., be very, very quiet, I am hunting rabbits, ha, haaaa.
It has been very quiet around here recently, nobody has even posted here in the last four days. Anyway, Bpencil, I like the approach you guys are taking the FO fanfic into, because I believe in freedom especially in creative works like this. You do not need to abide by strict rules to create a story that is fitting in the FO universe. Imagination is the eyes of the soul. Or, in the great words of H.P Lovecraft, "In order for something to exist, it only need to be imagined.".
My mind is like a Holosuite, and it's trying to program in the latest story for the FO world.
Here is a idea: a FO ghost story. I always loved mystery, scifi, and horror stories, and what better way to combine all three of them into one story than a FO ghost story. The story is about a love rectangle(well, you got a better adjective?
) that could've happened but didn't, and a Banana tree.(or palm, I haven't made up my mind yet) That's right, a banana tree, and that is the focus of my romantic, post nuclear, ghost story. Any thoughts?
Throw me your two cents for the starving writer.
Starseeker, signing off.
"The final price of freedom, is the willingness to face the most frightening being of all, one's own self."