The Wolf Among Us

CT Phipps

Carbon Dated and Proud
So, it's been a couple of years and there's been no announcement about a second season. Telltale has also started deluging itself in new titles like Batman (which, my god, as a Batman fan SUCKS), Minecraft (???), a Marvel comics one, and a couple of renewals (Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead Season 3).

Which is a shame because The Wolf Among Us is my favorite of their output. I'm not a big fan of Bill Willingham's Fables comics even as I absolutely love the spin-off created by Telltale. It along with Tales from the Borderlands seems like Telltale doing someone else's world better than the creator.

Just love the seedy, sexy classic Noir Detective story angle.

Loved the characters.

Loved the kookiness of mixing ultra-dark with fairy tale characters.

How about you guys?
If it's on par with their first TWD game I'd play it. Telltale dropped the ball after season 2 of TWD imo. Their games have gone to complete shit.

Your thoughts?
If it's on par with their first TWD game I'd play it. Telltale dropped the ball after season 2 of TWD imo. Their games have gone to complete shit.

Your thoughts?

I think it's probably the only game aside from Tales of the Borderlands which feels up to The Walking Dead games, IMHO. I know my opinion is questionable but I think the reason for this is the mono-focus on the characterization and the relative small-scale of the conflict. I really-really enjoyed Game of Thrones but it zig-zagged from amazingly good to mediocre in-between scenes of the episodes.

The Wolf Among Us by contrast remains strong throughout. I think some posters may be off-put by the offbeat premise of Fairy-Tales living in a seedy 1980s New York City but I feel it feels quite a bit like Netflix's Daredevil in the fantastical elements mix well with the grit and gritty.

Even more shockingly, they seem to have plotted the entirety of the plot out throughout the entire series so it hangs together.
Telltale hasn't made a single good thing after the first season of TWD.
And not so coincidentally two of the core writers behind that "game" (come on they're barely video games let's be honest) left soon after that game came out and it REALLY shows in the rest of their work.
I really-really enjoyed Game of Thrones but it zig-zagged from amazingly good to mediocre in-between scenes of the episodes
I thought game of thrones started out strong, a little weak in some places, but I was generally pleased with the first episode. The second was a lot worse, but I thought it was just build-up to better episodes. The same for the third. With the fourth and fifth I had to force myself to play them. I never bothered installing the last chapter I was so uninvested.
I thought game of thrones started out strong, a little weak in some places, but I was generally pleased with the first episode. The second was a lot worse, but I thought it was just build-up to better episodes. The same for the third. With the fourth and fifth I had to force myself to play them. I never bothered installing the last chapter I was so uninvested.

Pretty much my opinion except I did finish it and they ended it in such a way as they really actually can't continue with the plot "as is" because some of the changes are mutually exclusive for continuing with those characters. So I'm not sure how they're going to deal with that.

Here's a good sample of The Wolf Among Us from Episode 1.

Their "games" have turned real shitty as of late and they are spreading themselves far too thin and they are too fucking dumb to see that there are certain gameplay mechanics in their games that are just bad and should be scrapped so that their "games" can be more like cinematic experiences with the occasional interactive element.

Shit like "Press W to move forward" suddenly appearing out of nowhere doesn't enhance anything, it just drops a sudden pause into the story. Worst by far was during a very emotional moment early on in Michonne where they ruined it by
forcing you to actually load a bullet into a revolver
That little bit of "gameplay" that happened out of nowhere just ruined the emotional moment and pulled me right out of my immersion.

Telltale is on this high thinking they can do 'everything' and that is hurting the quality of their games. Minecraft? Should never have fucking happened in the first place. Imagine how much better their games would be if all people they had employed worked on one singular title and made sure that the consequnces of your actions that they like to tout so much actually FUCKING MATTERS!

Game Of Thrones was just torture porn. None of your choices had any positive impact and just fucked you over in different ways. I find this kind of narrative to be just as boring as when nothing bad ever happens to the protagonists and only good things happen. Variety is the spice of life and GOT was just torture porn. It got to the point that it felt perverse to even play further.

The "big choice" crap they got in their games also end up feeling very forced a lot of the time and hamfisted in.

Quite frankly, I'm only buying TWD and TWAU from now on because they are the only settings I think they've done well as of late.

I have Tales Of Borderlands but I've yet to play it.

As to Batman, I am so NOT interested in 'yet another' reiteration of Batman. Batman is a character that has so many iterations that I just don't are anymore. I like canon. I like continuity. And Batman? He's just a toy to sell that they are willing to throw into anything they can. Lego, anyone?

So yeah, TWD and TWAU are the only titles I can even tolerate now and it is hard to even enjoy them because of the unnecessary hamfisted gameplay.
I should mention I am the 11th largest Batman fan in the world.

Batman by Telltale is shit.

Utter and complete shit.


The graphics are bad
The gameplay is bad
The characterization is horrendous
The art design is terrible

And the plot is awful with a retread of a bunch of "classic" Batman plots I don't think anyone is interested in like another iteration of Harvey Dent becoming Two-Face mixed with Thomas Wayne being framed for mob ties.

Oh and your first big fight is beating up Catwoman for robbing a corrupt politician while lecturing her on the value of the law.

Real fucking heroic Batman.

I'm torn in my review of it on my blog (which I haven't done) because I don't WANT to bring attention to this game but I feel like people should be warned.


*wonders how everyone will react to me hating a game*
*wonders how everyone will react to me hating a game*
Meh, I don't really care much for Telltale's Batman either. The Arkham series just ended and it did pretty well for itself, why would I want a P&C Batman game afterwards so soon?

I've only really played both seasons of TWD and TWAU and I found them okay. The first season of TWD was definitely the best IMO, season 2 was mostly "let's pick on Kenny". TWAU's ending was like, "courtroom choices" without the choice part. Unless choosing to kill a guy two different ways or use magic on him was the choice.
Love The Wolf Among Us. Loved TWD. Done with Telltale. If they ever start making games I might give them another shot.

The stories were so good in the TWD and TWAUS that I could overlook the lack of player agency and C&C. But that can only work for a couple of games and they've settled back into a formula rather than trying to improve.

Also @CT Phipps - why don't you like the Fables comics?
I think I played the first two episodes, but then I kinda lost interest before the third episode came out. I liked it, though, and I guess I'll look into them again in the future.
Their Batman game is the most interesting thing to come out of that property in a long time. There are several twists to the Canon that make it feel fresh.
Never got to play TWAU since while I hear good things about TWAU, I am aware of Telltale's flaws. While I liked TWD Season 1, I could never like any of their games.

Too many QTEs, their supposed claims on 'choices' mattering never seems to be true, the stories become predictable, the characters lacking in depth due to the games being too action-packed (I miss the quiet and calm moments that aided in characterisation of TWD Season 1) and the games all seem to be similar in terms of game-play (awkward movement to get item or talk before QTE-fest). Tales from the Borderlands seems to be the only exception to the rule (like TWD Season 1) from what I can tell but it stands alone among its mediocre kin from Telltale.
I should mention I am the 11th largest Batman fan in the world.

Batman by Telltale is shit.

Utter and complete shit.


The graphics are bad
The gameplay is bad
The characterization is horrendous
The art design is terrible

And the plot is awful with a retread of a bunch of "classic" Batman plots I don't think anyone is interested in like another iteration of Harvey Dent becoming Two-Face mixed with Thomas Wayne being framed for mob ties.

Oh and your first big fight is beating up Catwoman for robbing a corrupt politician while lecturing her on the value of the law.

Real fucking heroic Batman.

I'm torn in my review of it on my blog (which I haven't done) because I don't WANT to bring attention to this game but I feel like people should be warned.


*wonders how everyone will react to me hating a game*
Thomas wasn't framed. He's an actual terrible human being in the game . If you haven't played more of it, you should.
Their "games" have turned real shitty as of late and they are spreading themselves far too thin and they are too fucking dumb to see that there are certain gameplay mechanics in their games that are just bad and should be scrapped so that their "games" can be more like cinematic experiences with the occasional interactive element.

Well, I haven't played Michonne yet so I'm going to have to give it and Batman: The Telltale Series a second chance because of the recommandations here. I confess, it says just about everything which needs to be said about my opinion of the current releases in video games that I'm willing to give Telltale TWO more shots on properties I'm not sold on just because warmed over Telltale is better than....wait, this is the exact argument
I use for why I like Fallout 4.

Oh God!

*turns into Two-Face*

Telltale is on this high thinking they can do 'everything' and that is hurting the quality of their games. Minecraft? Should never have fucking happened in the first place. Imagine how much better their games would be if all people they had employed worked on one singular title and made sure that the consequences of your actions that they like to tout so much actually FUCKING MATTERS!

I confess, I started this thread with the very real fact that I'm of the mind if they haven't announced a sequel to The Wolf Among Us in 2016, they're not going to announce one period. It's been two years and it's a really well-developed game but they keep on suggesting new games in new genres which have nothing to do with it.
Which sucks as TWAU had a lot of potential as a continuing series.

Game Of Thrones was just torture porn. None of your choices had any positive impact and just fucked you over in different ways. I find this kind of narrative to be just as boring as when nothing bad ever happens to the protagonists and only good things happen. Variety is the spice of life and GOT was just torture porn. It got to the point that it felt perverse to even play further.

Eh, that IS Game of Thrones. The game had a few bumps but one of the appeals of George R.R. Martin's series is it takes the "safeties" off of characters so that good people die pointlessly and horribly just like the bad guys. I killed Baron Ludd at the end of the game and I had Mira refuse to have an innocent murdered to save her own skin. That felt very Martin.

The "big choice" crap they got in their games also end up feeling very forced a lot of the time and hamfisted in.

Game of Thrones
actually had a lot of big choices which "mattered" but sadly, they can't actually matter-matter because the story could go off the rails too much. It's why Fallout's choices only matter in the epilogues.

Quite frankly, I'm only buying TWD and TWAU from now on because they are the only settings I think they've done well as of late.

Telltale were specifically asked about Season 2 at the PAX Panel. Then their PR guy pretended his Mic was broken and I wanted to cry.

I have Tales Of Borderlands but I've yet to play it.

It's very very good and funny.

Big No said:
I've only really played both seasons of TWD and TWAU and I found them okay. The first season of TWD was definitely the best IMO, season 2 was mostly "let's pick on Kenny". TWAU's ending was like, "courtroom choices" without the choice part. Unless choosing to kill a guy two different ways or use magic on him was the choice.

To be fair, that was actually impacted by whether or not you were an asshole Corrupt Cop who beat up suspects, terrified people, and wrecked shit versus a guy who did things by the book. You could also kill the Crooked Man while you arrested him.

Also @CT Phipps - why don't you like the Fables comics?

When they're very good, they're good, when they're not very good, they're very bad. For example, they did a Fables adaptation of The Wolf Among Us and then they altered the ending so the bad guy wins.


I think I played the first two episodes, but then I kinda lost interest before the third episode came out. I liked it, though, and I guess I'll look into them again in the future.

I heartily recommend it. Part 3 is the worst of the lot because it's slow but it picks back up quick.

Never got to play TWAU since while I hear good things about TWAU, I am aware of Telltale's flaws. While I liked TWD Season 1, I could never like any of their games.

Too many QTEs, their supposed claims on 'choices' mattering never seems to be true, the stories become predictable, the characters lacking in depth due to the games being too action-packed (I miss the quiet and calm moments that aided in characterisation of TWD Season 1) and the games all seem to be similar in terms of game-play (awkward movement to get item or talk before QTE-fest). Tales from the Borderlands seems to be the only exception to the rule (like TWD Season 1) from what I can tell but it stands alone among its mediocre kin from Telltale.

While there's QTE in TWAU, at least you can actually fail in this. The characters have IMMENSE depth, though.
Eh, that IS Game of Thrones. The game had a few bumps but one of the appeals of George R.R. Martin's series is it takes the "safeties" off of characters so that good people die pointlessly and horribly just like the bad guys.

When they're very good, they're good, when they're not very good, they're very bad. For example, they did a Fables adaptation of The Wolf Among Us and then they altered the ending so the bad guy wins.

I almost made the same comment about GoT earlier. I was done with the series after 3 or 4 books, because I felt like it just turned the standard formula on it's head and followed it blindly. I'm a much bigger fan of Abercrombie for grimdark fantasy.

I read the first couple of issues of the TWAU adaptation and was shocked at how bad it was. To have such good source material and screw it up that badly was really something. But that didn't have anything to do with Willingham, did it? I think he just got a piece of the royalty check. Not worth the damage to the brand, IMO.

Aha! I just checked. Dave Justus and Matthew Sturges wrote it. Willingham isn't anywhere in the credits except the "created by" tag at the bottom.
Imo, the worst that they have done is the Minecraft one. They made like 10 chapters already, the main monster looks like it's from Trove... A grade of fanfiction that surpasses all other TTG's in crappyness.
In the other hand, Tales Of The Borderlands isn't the best game ever, but it definitively is what i want from the Borderlands franchise story-wise.
It was funny, a bit touching at times, well dubbed and overall a 7,5/10 for a Telltale game. (10 being TWD and 0/1 Minecraft)
I almost made the same comment about GoT earlier. I was done with the series after 3 or 4 books, because I felt like it just turned the standard formula on it's head and followed it blindly. I'm a much bigger fan of Abercrombie for grimdark fantasy.

I read the first couple of issues of the TWAU adaptation and was shocked at how bad it was. To have such good source material and screw it up that badly was really something. But that didn't have anything to do with Willingham, did it? I think he just got a piece of the royalty check. Not worth the damage to the brand, IMO.

Aha! I just checked. Dave Justus and Matthew Sturges wrote it. Willingham isn't anywhere in the credits except the "created by" tag at the bottom.

Agreed 100% with this post.

I also like Mark Lawrence's grimdark.


What did everyone like and dislike about the Wolf Among Us?