The wrench in Vault City (F02 V 1.02)

flying beef

First time out of the vault
In Fallout 2 (V 1.02) I got the kid's Mr. Nixon doll in Vault City, but I didn't get a dialogue telling me where the wrench is. I know it's near the pile of rocks outside the bar, but whenever I search it I can't find it. Plus, the kid dissapeared after I gave him the doll, so now I can't get the dialouge for it. I need the wrench to get the tool kit from Vic's daughter. Are there any other places I could buy a wrench at this point in the game?
I think there's one in one of the rooms on level 2 inside the city's Vault.
That sounds like a bug to me.

BTW, the wrench doesnt exist til the kid gives his speach and its triggerd to appear.
PsychoSniper said:
That sounds like a bug to me.

Per said:
6. Rescue Amanda's husband, Joshua.


After you collect the reward, Joshua and his family will leave once you exit the map, so make sure you get the Wrench from Curtis first.

In addition said:
If you're playing a game without children you obviously can't get the Wrench from Curtis. In this case there's a Wrench in one of the mine headquarters in Redding you can pick up without too much trouble, plus there's one in the vault if you have access to that (or use the combat mode trick). Another way is to try to find a ghoul caravan along the Gecko-Broken Hills trade route, since they carry Wrenches
You should wait a little longer after you give the wrench to the child, he will say something about the wrench, I'm quite sure about it.
Yep watch the kid talking about tea and stuff ... eventually he says ... should we dig up the wrench ... then you can find it.