[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Feb-09-03 AT 08:58AM (GMT)[p]>I doubt really that I was
>in breach... and if I
>should desire to preach at
>you or anyone else then
>the only one who really
>has a say is the
>person who owns the site.
> Is that you... hmmm?
Hey, you're even more clueless than I thought.
Welcome to my boards, dipshit.
I'll touch onto your breach later on.
>I read the topic and gave
>my impression... just because you
>don't agree with me is
>not a reason to be
You really didn't contribute anything and basically ignored the facts that there were things wrong with the game.
>I noticed whereever
>I read on the board
>there were many people trying
>to voice their opinions... and
>then there were a few
>who just wanted to "see
>the pretty green letters" and
>then there was you.
"There's nothing wrong with the game." can be proven false. Learn some English if you need to, and then re-read that. Look up in the dictionary "fact" and "opinion". You will find the inaccuracies and certain elements in Fallout Tactics to be demonstrable fact to be indeed something wrong in the game.
>Comments issueing forth from your
>mouth complaining about the inadequacies
>of a game. So
>what if there are hairy
>deathclaws... so what if weapons
>are in the game from
>different timelines... who cares if
>Elvis is really alive... it's
>a damn game ya moron.
Just what we need, another kid that is clueless about design.
PS: Now for giving me gruff, I hope you enjoy the redirect.
> The developers may have
>even said, "oops, we goofed."
> So what... all that
>means is that they made
>a mistake... it doesn't make
>a game any less...
It DOES mean that there was something wrong with it, or are you too fucking stupid to figure THAT out from the given statements?
(snip a whole shitload of irrelevent tangential bullshit)
>I don't think of it as
>a waffle... I stated that
>I didn't know if you
>had been a programmer or
>a company stooge or someones
>one night stand...
So much for lurking and reading. I think I mentioned that before, no?
>I also
>said and I stand by
>it... you are an ass.
And I'll stand by the demonstrable fact that you're a fuckwit.
>Again... above... remember game. Creative
>license... change... plus... Fallout... that
>from above and not just
>the title... causes mutation.
>Different timeline... this isn't real...
>so chill.
So you have a problem with real design, universe continuity, and many other things that the lack of has contributed to games going sour like Ultima 9, X-COM, and many more. It's clueless apologetic shits like yourself that contribute to gaming becoming a watered-down and unimaginative shitfest.
Just like the clueless fanboi who started this thread.
> I'm sorry
>you think I'm a moron
>or a fart wad or
>whatever... it's your opinion... just...
>just your opinion.
I think it might be an "opinion" shared by many others, but you've pulled a nice Phrad_Vickers.