They did it! (I don't condone extreme consumtion of alcohol)

Those guys are weaklings. I've floated a keg by myself in a night. It's not difficult to drink and drink and drink and drink. If you chug, you're gonna get sick fast, but if you drink..say...32oz every 5 minutes, you're in good shape. Maybe PsychoSniper and I are just real men.

Budweiser should fucking salute us.
I think...I KNOW the stats from that link must be flawed in some way. Those red cups are what? 14oz? And you've gotta think that the drunker people got, the more foam they were getting into each cup, and the less actual beer they were drinking. On average, maybe 8 to 10oz of beer per cup. That's about 125 or less cans of beer. The average case is 24 cans/bottles..So..Ehrm..5 cases? I've comfortably drank 3 in a single sitting, and then gone out to buy more...And I've had a keg all to myself on the back porch of my appartment...It started floating after a few hours, and was completed after about 13hrs...The record time I've been around a floating keg was about 45 minutes with only 5 people drinking. Then again, we were also bonging the beer and using pitchers for cups. We also had plenty of cocaine in our systems, so that made the drinking much more tolerable.
That's....uh...great. mhmm.
How much beer is in a whole keg? like in terms of cans? I know they said something on the website, but I don't really believe it.
You have a point there Ryno but have to figure that 1984 oz/12= 165.3. As for coke or speed, yeah those tend to do that. Drink all night & then some, add a bit of loud music & it's a party providing you don't manage to drop dead.