Things that should be brought over from TES


First time out of the vault
OK, Hear are afew things that I would like bethsoft to take from TES and put into fallout:

Multiple armor locations- With Fallout's specific target areas, this to me seems like a no-brainer, It wouldn't have to be like Morrowind where you had to get all the diferent peices, but seperate pants, shoes, shirt, and head armor slots would be cool.

Character Apearance modification- Since you can make your characterbe practicaly anything statwise in FO, why not let them look like anything?

Helmates/headgear- This kinda ties into the first one, but gasmasks, helmates, gogles, and shades (to go with the leather jacket), with various efects.

A build/repair system- any of you who have played morrowind know about how you can do alchemy, enchantements, and spellmaking. What if you had somthing similar to those systems for the repair/science skills? They might go from a "useful skill to have for adventuring" to a character defining skill, like sneak or melee weapons. Basicaly it would alow you to colect junk and make stuff out of it, or add junk to somthing you find and make it special.

Fargoth and cliffracers- just kidding.
Multiple armor locations - Not really essential, but a welcome addition nonetheless.

Character Apearance modification - Hell, yeah!

Helmets/headgear- I wholeheartedly agree. Though available headgear shouldn't be anything new or exotic - just salvaged pre-war stuff, like old army helmets, football and baseball helmets, caps etc.

A build/repair system- Item crafting has been suggested many times in the past. It would definitely be a great addition, and it would certainly make sense from postnuclear survival standpoint. IIRC Van Buren was supposed to feature something like that.
Helmates? That's probably the worst misspelling of "helmets" that I've ever seen.

Erm, yeah, what the rat said.
Well the multiple locations thing is somthing beth dose well, and I think it fits with the targeting specific bodparts system that fallout has.

And I'll spell "helmet" however I wan't to!
Screaming_Dude_in_Vegas said:
OK, Hear are afew things that I would like bethsoft to take from TES and put into fallout:

Multiple armor locations- With Fallout's specific target areas, this to me seems like a no-brainer, It wouldn't have to be like Morrowind where you had to get all the diferent peices, but seperate pants, shoes, shirt, and head armor slots would be cool.
People have been suggesting this for a long time, if they do split the armour slots into head, torso and limbs I'd like to see some of the armour have offensive capabilities as well, like the power armour gauntlets or steel capped boots.

I'm not sure why you'd want to go into so much detail as shirts and trousers unless you have a partioned inventory, one that was constrained by volume as well as weight. Then how much you could carry would be governed by not just how strong you were but what you were wearing as well. Perhaps another two item slots, one for bags or backpacks and the other for slings so if you had a sling on your rifle you could shoulder it. Or am I misunderstanding you?

Screaming_Dude_in_Vegas said:
Character Apearance modification- Since you can make your characterbe practicaly anything statwise in FO, why not let them look like anything?
I kind of liked the way in JA2 how depending on your strength and portrait you got a different character model. Depending on how they do the characters I'd like to see you get either a skinny, normal or muscular physique automatically, depending on your stats.
Screaming_Dude_in_Vegas said:
And I'll spell "helmet" however I wan't to!

You're going to spell it as the SpellChecking feature tells you to, capisco?


Also, multiple items of armour would be hard to implement for Power Armours.... Unless we forget about working ones and only have those scavenged and partitioned.

Artificer skills - why not, it's the daily bread of the PA setting, although it'd rather mean combining scavenged materials.
Silencer said:
Screaming_Dude_in_Vegas said:
And I'll spell "helmet" however I wan't to!

You're going to spell it as the SpellChecking feature tells you to, capisco?


Also, multiple items of armour would be hard to implement for Power Armours.... Unless we forget about working ones and only have those scavenged and partitioned.

Artificer skills - why not, it's the daily bread of the PA setting, although it'd rather mean combining scavenged materials.

How do you know I'm an american? I could be a German, australian, Brit, or Canadian who just happens to be screaming in Las Vegas.

The Power armor thing could be done with scripting. Like imply an agility penalty if you don't have the whole suit (aside from the helmet, which would be separate), as it's kind of bulky and doesn't work too well in parts.
Screaming_Dude_in_Vegas said:
How do you know I'm an american? I could be a German, australian, Brit, or Canadian who just happens to be screaming in Las Vegas.

Or some smart-ass from Winthrop, Massachussets.

Screaming_Dude_in_Vegas said:
How do you know I'm an american? I could be a German, australian, Brit, or Canadian who just happens to be screaming in Las Vegas.

Teh moderator supahpowers. I also happen to know your keyboard is missing the capital 'A'.

Enjoy your stay.

Wooz: Don't divulge information about the progress of our trace, or he might hang up before the assault team arrives :D
Silencer said:
Also, multiple items of armour would be hard to implement for Power Armours.... Unless we forget about working ones and only have those scavenged and partitioned.

If you store the armor slot an item occupies as a set of flags rather than an ID, you can solve that issue by having the Power Armour as a single item (helmet optional, maybe).

If you want to single out the helmet Fallout1-style, you can simply add a script to the helmet that checks whether a power armour is equipped and have a different effect on your stats accordingly.

I haven't found a better system than linking a script to the item that gets called upon equipping and unequipping it as armour (that would even allow for those cursed "not unequippable" items in fantasy games), but I'm not sure whether there is one since the only two methods of providing dynamic effects for items are hardcoding and scripting.
If you can have Power Armor without a helmet, than you should lose more than just protection around your head. You should also lose, basically completely, radiation protection and a good bit of explosion/plasma/electricity/fire protection as well, for obvious reasons.

Seems that the concept of compartmentalized armor is more trouble than it's worth, to me.
Power armor is the only armour that causes problems when it comes to compartmentalisation. I like the idea of collecting it bit by bit, then when it's completed it being much better than the sum of its parts though.
Well, the way I see it, there should be, as Ashmo said, some armours that lock-out other slots.

For example, you could assemble a complete leather or metal armour bit by bit, but you'd need to find a new set of combat armour or Power Armour to benefit from it most.

You could however take parts of those (the Power Armour helmet or Combat Armour armpads) and combine them with other armour parts. They would be another class of items than full blown, lock-out armours and couldn't be combined with them.

I mean, scavenging is one thing and cool, but to rebuild a whole destroyed Power Armour would require extreme tech skills and IMHO could only be possible as a quest and given the all parts.
One new feature of Oblivion is that armor can comprise one or more "slots". So you can have a "suit of armor" that you equip all at once, or separate helmet, greaves, cuirass, etc. that you equip individually -- or any combination. It all depends on how the art is set up.
no disrespect to the guy above or Bethesda because i thought Morrowind was cool but NO WAY should anything from TES be ripped off and included in Fallout 3 simply because it's made by the same developer - anyone would think that Bethesda don't know how to make anything but TES. Give them some credit please! I'm sure they are able to have ORIGINAL IDEAS of their own without having to rehash previous work.
MrSmileyFaceDude said:
One new feature of Oblivion is that armor can comprise one or more "slots". So you can have a "suit of armor" that you equip all at once, or separate helmet, greaves, cuirass, etc. that you equip individually -- or any combination. It all depends on how the art is set up.

That was what I was suggesting. Making Powered Armour consist of two parts: the armour and the helmet.

Since we're not talking about realism here, the armour alone would still provide radiation protection (your body is protected after all) but the helmet would provide most of the protection against radiation, gas, and whatnot -- IF worn with a Powered Armour of course. Otherwise it'd just give you ballistic protection and of course explosion protection etc., but it wouldn't filter anything.

I could see having to construct a PA from multiple parts as a subquest in the game. Most of the armour would be too heavy to be worn as-is, so the player would have to get all the pieces (maybe except for the special handling of the helmet) before he could actually wear it.

That'd mean a new player can't just go ahead and get the pieces one-by-one, getting better protection as he gets more pieces. He'd still have to use "normal" armour until he has everything required and the skills and tools to construct it.

The system I'm currently working on has seven armour slots, but they work as described, that is, they use flags rather than IDs.

The slots are: head (for helmets), face (for gas masks etc, would be locked by a PA helmet for example), torso (for most "normal" armour), arms (for arm guards, or locked by articulated armour), legs (for shin guards etc), upper body (for things that can be worn underneath metal armour (etc), such as padding) and lower body (pretty much the same, just think pants rather than shirts).

Lower and upper body are pretty useless for a munchkin, but if the game was graphical it'd be a nice way to wear stuff like a vault jumpsuit (which would lock both slots) underneath a combat armour -- or replace said jumpsuit with something that offers more protection.

Since the armour system is pretty modular, armour can lock either a single or multiple slots, depending on the type. It'd be impossible to wear anything but padding underneath an asbhestos suit, for example.
Not entirely realistic, but as close as it can get.
Ashmo said:
That was what I was suggesting. Making Powered Armour consist of two parts: the armour and the helmet..

That's what I was aiming at, except the real life functional helmet to be used with the PA would be a different item than the scavenged Fallout 2 splash screen-style one.