Thinking about a FO speed run; looking for feedback.


First time out of the vault
Lately I've been thinking about going back and recording a speed run for the original Fallout similar to the one I did for FO2. I spent a good while studying this in the month following that, and I pretty much came to the conclusion that doing it in the same manner (without saves) is pretty much not possible. What I was wondering, though, is if it would be worthwhile to do this using a couple of saves; I think I could probably get by using either two or three different spots once I'm over a couple particular "humps" of pretty difficult (probability wise) spots.

What I'm wondering, though, is if people would really be interested in the run if it included saves like this. I feel like it would kind of diminish the value of the run as a whole, but I figured I'd see what people thought about the idea before really digging in and working out all of the thorough details.

Thanks in advance.
I think it is a GREAT idea!

About the saves: I would rather have you run through it without saves but it is an RPG not an FPS. If you can do a speedrun using Fallout 2 without saving the game why couldn't you do a speedrun using Fallout without saving the game? If it is too much trouble to beat it without saves then go ahead save, in my opinion.

Note: I have not seen your Fallout 2 speedrun. I am looking for it right now. Thanks for mentioning and doing the Fallout 2 speedrun. I did not know a speedrun for any of the Fallout games existed.

I know i've seen a speed run for Fo1 before which basically consisted of tagging sneak, unarmed and repair(i think). The basic plan was to run straight to necropolis, snag the chip and return it to the vault therby gaining a huge load of exp and probably leveling at least two times. I dont remember the rest but I think you were supposed to run to the military base and attempt to sneak in and use repair on the forcefields and make your way to the control room. Then I think your supposed to use unarmed to try and knock the people out so you can loot the pass key and detonate the base.
Dixie_Rebel said:
I think it is a GREAT idea!

About the saves: I would rather have you run through it without saves but it is an RPG not an FPS. If you can do a speedrun using Fallout 2 without saving the game why couldn't you do a speedrun using Fallout without saving the game? If it is too much trouble to beat it without saves then go ahead save, in my opinion.

Note: I have not seen your Fallout 2 speedrun. I am looking for it right now. Thanks for mentioning and doing the Fallout 2 speedrun. I did not know a speedrun for any of the Fallout games existed.

If you want to watch my Fallout 2 speed run you can find it here (you'll need DivX):
Wow, that was pretty interesting. I have never seen anyone play Fallout 2 in a way even remotely close to that. That was pretty awesome. Thanks for doing the speedrun and sharing it with us.
Phil the Nuke-Cola Dude said:
I know i've seen a speed run for Fo1 before which basically consisted of tagging sneak, unarmed and repair(i think). The basic plan was to run straight to *BEEP*, snag the chip and return it to the vault

That would be a HUGE waste of time in terms of speed running.

Dixie_Rebel said:
I have never seen anyone play Fallout 2 in a way even remotely close to that.

*cough* Check out my Fallout 2 guide, grasshopper. :wink:
Per said:
Dixie_Rebel said:
I have never seen anyone play Fallout 2 in a way even remotely close to that.

*cough* Check out my Fallout 2 guide, grasshopper. :wink:

Wow, you wrote those? I remember reading that same Fallout 2 guide like years ago, if I am not mistaken. It was the best guide I could find. Thanks a lot for writing that guide, it helped me out a lot. I probably did not notice or just ignored shortcuts because I wanted to play the game as thorough as possible.
Phil the Nuke-Cola Dude said:
That speed run was wierd....I thought you had to get the fob and nav chip before you could use the tanker.

if your dumb enough you can get several NPCs to fix up the tanker for you
yup, like the BOS

besides, to me, it looked like he convinced AHS9 or something...