Lately I've been thinking about going back and recording a speed run for the original Fallout similar to the one I did for FO2. I spent a good while studying this in the month following that, and I pretty much came to the conclusion that doing it in the same manner (without saves) is pretty much not possible. What I was wondering, though, is if it would be worthwhile to do this using a couple of saves; I think I could probably get by using either two or three different spots once I'm over a couple particular "humps" of pretty difficult (probability wise) spots.
What I'm wondering, though, is if people would really be interested in the run if it included saves like this. I feel like it would kind of diminish the value of the run as a whole, but I figured I'd see what people thought about the idea before really digging in and working out all of the thorough details.
Thanks in advance.
What I'm wondering, though, is if people would really be interested in the run if it included saves like this. I feel like it would kind of diminish the value of the run as a whole, but I figured I'd see what people thought about the idea before really digging in and working out all of the thorough details.
Thanks in advance.