Thinks I really f***king hate


My wife and I were having this conversation about things we really hate. We agreed on this. We both hate it when a person comes into a room where we are watching a TV show or movie we desperately have been looking forward to watching, and then starts talking to someone very loudly.

And we hate telemarketers.

What about you?
I got Tivo for just that reason. My annoying ass chinese roommate seems to have a knack of cooking his smelly fucking food whenveer I want to watch TV. Now, I just watch things late at night when he's trying to sleep, with the volume up real loud :twisted:

I also fucking hate when four asignments are due on or about teh same time. That is the most strsssful thing I've ever had. Inconsiderate fuckers.. :cry:
Ummm, have you ever considered not letting people stroll into your house and through your living room like it's a fucking danceteria?

Thing I hate most are idiotic people, mainly because it's impossible to reason with them and convince them they are wrong. What annoys me even more are stupid people who think they are intelligent and talk about stuff they have no clue about. These smartasses are especially difficult to reason with, because they are convinced they know more than you, won't shut up and refuse to even consider your arguments. God-dammit, I always try to be as civil and courteous as possible with people I dislike, but smartass idiots really drive crazy, and after talking to one for about ten minutes I am quite prepared to stick a knife in his forehead.
Same here actually.

It seems like everytime I get to the end of a movie I'm really in to, my Goddamn family bursts in and ruins it.
Ratty said:
Ummm, have you ever considered not letting people stroll into your house and through your living room like it's a fucking danceteria?

Actually, I was referring to a time when I lived in a shared house with other graduate students.
Who was more rude, them for talking at the top of their voice when others were trying to pay attention to the TV, or me for asking them to shut the fuck up?

Oh, and I hate people who cook stinky food that makes the whole damn house stink too.
Teachers. Not all of them, just those who are arrogant gits who blindly refuse to listen to someone else’s opinion because in their eyes, they know everything and the students will automatically not be right! I mean, would it hurt to agree that a student might know something they don't?

Also teachers who clearly don't know what they are doing yet act as if they know it all. (My college is bloody full of them!)

The examination system. Luckily I'm taking an AVCE double, which means a lot of course work, and fewer exams but I still do two A-Levels and the exams are amazingly stressful. For one, exams are all bunched into a 2-week period. In fact, the entire education system needs looking at.

Oh, and exams after Christmas should just be illegal.

(I speak out of opinion here)

I agree about stupid people, especially the ones who insist they are right.

Oh and finally, bad drivers! Especially those who drive as if they are the only people on the roads. Damn you idiots, don’t you realise the danger you cause.
A little over two weeks ago, I nearly had a freak accident because of one of these nuts. I don’t know who it was (Man, women, OAP) but they were just swapping lanes at will like there was no tomorrow. No indication, nothing. They weren’t even looking to see if cars (ME!) were about to pass them in the opposite lane. No, what do they do? They pull out in front of me nearly causing me to plough my car into their back end. They then decide that they prefer the other lane and do the same to another guy. I mean, how blind can you possibly get?

Ok, I should probably stop now because i could rant for ever about annoying things...
Carla del Ponte (Hague tribunal prosecutor)
Madlen Oldbrite (former US state secretary)
Hasim Tachi (Albanian terorist)


endless TV comercials (TV spam)
hmm... what/who do I hate?

*checks his "people to kill" list - "dammit already empty"*

nah, I hate smartasses too, but unfortunately most of the time I'm one of those smartasses :cry: . And I hate those really stupid commercials (god have mercy on me).
Grim Reaper said:
Carla del Ponte (Hague tribunal prosecutor)
Madlen Oldbrite (former US state secretary)
Hasim Tachi (Albanian terorist)


endless TV comercials (TV spam)

I curious, being an ignorant American and all, care to elaborate?

Carla del Ponte: Because of Milosevic?
Madeleine Albright: Because she's from (somewhere in) the Balkans? Or because of her job as US Secretary of State? Her job as UN Ambassador?
Hasim Tachi: What did he do? Besides being a terrorist and all.

TV commercials: I haven' seen a commercial since I bought my TiVo. Best invention since phpBB
Fuck Milosevic-i would shave him with a rusty knife-i am talking about the fact that she only hunts Serbs and if we say we can't export them at the moment she goes to you (UN safety council) and YOU threat that you will cut off much needed financial help.

Albright said :"We drop bombs on you because we love you."I think that says enough.

Tachi is a criminal & terorist who pretends to be patriot and he will rape/burn/kill to achieve independence of Kosovo.
Hmm maybe "hate" is a bit too strong, but here are several examples of what I strongly dislike:

-Pop music, TV, TPSA

-But above all, blind, mindless dogmatism. People that choose to reject to do the thinking by themselves. Otherwise known as the Sheep syndrom.
I'll go with that El Prez. But yes, Dogmatism blows. I absolutely hate and despise dogmatism in a dogmatic way.

Damn it.
geekpocket said:
what if there was a dogmatic structure of free thinking? would you be against yourself?

:roll: :shock: :crazy: :eyebrow: :puppy-dog: :eyebrow: :help: :mrgreen:

AHHH! Now my head hurts!!!

Why, no... well I don't think so.....

No, I guess I'm just zealously opposed to dogma. Comes with being in school to much and being an advocate of free speech. Free speech is really about free thinking.

This is why the Catholic priests hate to talk to me when I come in for a conference.

"What the fuck is that? Doctrine! Phewy!"
my teachers of hystology, they're really OLD, their voice is annoying.... they're just 2 old ladies....maybe they should be with their grandsons and granddaughters instead of us
Chat clowns.
Gun control.
Nasty people.
Black rappers.
My dad.
APTYP said:
Chat clowns.
Gun control.
Nasty people.
Black rappers.
My dad.
Hehe... this place is crowded with geeks, polls and nasty people