This is bullshit!


Vault Fossil
whats with this icewind dale shit? god i hate these bastards. we ask for fallout 3, they say were busy right now. We say 'goddamnit, give us more fallout!' so they give us fallout tactics. We say thats all good but when the freak are we gonna get fallout 3? they say, oh were working on icewind dale 2. Instead of making a fucking awesome game that takes time and effort but delivers to millions of fans, theyre gonna make some shitty game that takes no effort, they just throw together to make a few bucks. Im getting really pissed.
RE: By Interplay, For Profit

Indeed, do the words cash cow ring a bell. I was on some other board the other day and those people where overjoyed with IWD2. When i made the quick buck remark. I almost got banned (almost hehe).


Nunc ut nunquam
RE: By Interplay, For Profit

>>I was on some other board the other day and those people where overjoyed with IWD2. When i made the quick buck remark. I almost got banned (almost hehe).<<

Which board was this? I suddenly feel the need to start battling for the glory of traditional RPGs.

::redies combat armor and bozar::

True Raven
The Annunaki FanFic and Theory Guild
RE: By Interplay, For Profit

listen to this fellas. PCgamer came out with its 50 greatest games of all time. fallout 1, and 2 made number 4. number 4! i didnt see icewind dale up there or anywhere close. now you know if they made fallout 3 it would almost certainly become a classic like 1 and 2. When are these interplay jerks gonna get it?
RE: By Interplay, For Profit

It seems i can`t find the apropriate threads, but J.E. Sawyer explained in the BIS boards some time ago why Interplay loves IWD:

-Although it didn`t outselled Placescape (340.000 to 350.000 copies) it took little time to produce. Less development time means that games turn to be more profitable. They expect to have the same scenario regarding IWD2...

-Now speculating a bit we have to remember that Fallout doesn`t have much support in Interplay and BIS, it`s not someone`s "baby", if you know what i mean. There are still people that worked on FO2 there, but with Troika members leaving, Chris Taylor beeing sacked and Feargus beeing, well, Fergus, no one is very much excited with the idea of a Fallout3, although it is beeing thought and design and production options have been made. But it isn`t something most of those guys feel attached or thrilled about...

-also we must be blamed in a sense, Fo fans are so opinative, demandind and smart that they seem to fear our wrath ;-)
RE: By Interplay, For Profit

>-also we must be blamed in
>a sense, Fo fans are
>so opinative, demandind and smart
>that they seem to fear
>our wrath ;-)

Yeah, they know they fuck up seriously one more time, their stock will go down from the price of a cheeseburger Extra Value Meal at McDonalds (not including Super Size) to the nice well-rounded price of a square of shitpaper. With Titus at the helm, Interplay is now a console-whore publisher. Face it, their PC aspect is dead or dying.
RE: By Interplay, For Profit

Still if we read this

"Net revenues by platform for the second quarter were 83 percent PC, 7 percent console and 10 percent OEM, royalties and licensing.

Net revenues by platform for the first six months of 2001 were 76 percent PC, 15 percent console and 9 percent OEM, royalties and licensing"

it`s clear that it`s the PC that keeps them going. If they release those new console games and start releasing Giants or Sacrifice type of games on the consoles and keep the RPG`s to the PC`s i would be happy.

So let`s hear Fargo:

"We still expect to have an excellent line-up of games in our future release schedule that includes Giants and Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance on Playstation 2 scheduled to release in fourth quarter of this year, with the potential for multiple platform releases of Galleon, Hunter, RLH, Neverwinter Nights and Matrix, all of which are primarily focused on next generation consoles and are scheduled for release next year," commented Brian Fargo, chairman and chief executive officer of Interplay"

Now this is different, it states that multi-platforms games are the way to go, not creating a different set of PC and Console games, not specializing...

Which leads me to agree with you Rosh, unfortunately :-(

But i don`t have a clue what is going to happen in september, will Interplay general policies change or will it be just a change in seats?Or will it be the end on the Interplay brand, and everything will carry the Titus name, with further downsizing in the future?
RE: By Interplay, For Profit

>>Still if we read this
"Net revenues by platform for the second quarter were 83 percent PC, 7 percent console and 10 percent OEM, royalties and licensing.

Net revenues by platform for the first six months of 2001 were 76 percent PC, 15 percent console and 9 percent OEM, royalties and licensing"

it`s clear that it`s the PC that keeps them going. If they release those new console games and start releasing Giants or Sacrifice type of games on the consoles and keep the RPG`s to the PC`s i would be happy.

So let`s hear Fargo:

"We still expect to have an excellent line-up of games in our future release schedule that includes Giants and Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance on Playstation 2 scheduled to release in fourth quarter of this year, with the potential for multiple platform releases of Galleon, Hunter, RLH, Neverwinter Nights and Matrix, all of which are primarily focused on next generation consoles and are scheduled for release next year," commented Brian Fargo, chairman and chief executive officer of Interplay"

Now this is different, it states that multi-platforms games are the way to go, not creating a different set of PC and Console games, not specializing...

Which leads me to agree with you Rosh, unfortunately

But i don`t have a clue what is going to happen in september, will Interplay general policies change or will it be just a change in seats?Or will it be the end on the Interplay brand, and everything will carry the Titus name, with further downsizing in the future?<<

No Mages Allowed is suddenly looking better and better.

It may be time to start begging Sierra to buy the Fallout liscence from Interplay and give it to Troika before yet another great series goes down the shithole. If Tim CAin would even do it, that is.

True Raven
The Annunaki FanFic and Theory Guild
RE: By Interplay, For Profit

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Aug-21-01 AT 08:37PM (GMT)[p]Doesn't matter. I already took care of it. I contacted the webmaster and pointed out some of the rather harsh words i got thrown at me from his own admins just for not beeing that thrilled about IWD2. And that was the only thing i did. I didn't resort to name-calling or something simmilar. I have a feeling that those guys are going to get some sort of nice email. Oh, and about battling for the traditional RPG's, i did that too.


Nunc ut nunquam
Being a HUGE Fallout fan and an IWD fan I had to say something. The elements of IWD that make it good are the same ones that make FO1 good. Good Story - Good Battles - Battles for a reason (unlike FOT)- Not too much story so you don't get too bogged down(New Reno anyone?) - Not really any "Messanger Boy" questing (I hate back and forth a hundred times between two points) - Good Scenery.
I think we should seriously start thinking about writing a petition to Sierra/Troika to buy the Fallout liscence, because interplay will be liquidated within a year, and even if it isn't it Troika would probably make a better version of Fallout 3 anyway. Maybe NMA could put up a petition site where people can sign their names, or at least put up a poll asking what people think.

It's all about the money. If Interplay thinks that the money is in IWD2 or Consoles then thats what they will put their effort into. After what happened with FOT I doubt they will want to put any more money into the Fallout series.

The Forgotten Realms games like BG, BG2, IWD have realy been popular set of games. So they will suck that series dry and then find something else to work on.

I guess they don't realise how many desparate people want more Fallout (Fallout 3 to be specific). It's sad really.
I have an interviw somewhere where Tim Cain was asked why they didn`t do Arcanum with no magic. He said the tech side of things was an idea of the other members of Troika and he just wanted to do a classic fantasy RPG, so they come up with the basic magic vs tech scenario.

And why did he wanted to do a fantasy RPG? Well, according to him, after he left Interplay he was so tired of everything Fallout related that he didn`t wanted to do anything that reminded him of Fallout...

This gives a good idea of the problems within Interplay regarding Fallout, unfortunately.

Ey maybe we should start ourselves doing something along the Wasteland and Fallout settings using midlleware?...
I'd definitely prefer a FO3 over an IWD2 myself. That said, we should get over ourselves, and realize that BIS made the game; and they have the RIGHT to do (or not do) whatever they want with it. If a FO3 comes out great; if not I'll enjoy IWD2; and also enjoy replaying the FO series again.
That's not the problem. Of course they can do whatever they want with it but they have been dangling a possible Fallout 3 carrot in front of our noses for over what 4 years now. What, i said for over 4 years (hehe). Anyway, they should make a definite statement. But all they do is say 'Maybe will start with it in the next few months and maybe we wont'.


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