But I need to find a preferably small, downloadable program that can convert my newest Tragic card BMP's into JPG without them staying 216kbs or fading like hell... I would use photoshop, if I hadn't lost that damn piece of paper the registration number's on.
I recommend IrfanView. It's THE best and fastest graphics viewer, it can read loads of files..and it can convert between them, too.
Best of all...it's free!
Uh..JPG may not be the best format for those types of graphics. It tend to blur the writing. PNG, the lossless file type that was supposed to replace GIF...that's the one you should be saving in.
Argh. More worthless ramblings.
~cause anything less than total and utter overkill is a complete waste of time~
-it's the freakin' bluepencil!
And... every computer can read that? (I doubt I'll use, for I only have 4 out of 17 original bitmaps... making those four looking better than the others... or having 13 cards looking significantly worse than the rest... I'll use that for everything else though, if everyone can read them without having to convert them back to BMPs.
Not only every computer can read png files, but they`re the format chosen for everything FO:tactics related.All the images you`ll se in tactics will be on that format, it`s all in odin`s article.
I normally use IrfanViewr too, it`s great and free of charge... http://www.geocities.com/jonaac/2.jpg
~cause anything less than total and utter overkill is a complete waste of time~
-it's the freakin' bluepencil!