right i have been talking 2 a feww people about why we are having so much problems with Tactics
1) Crashes
I my self have the main crash in the frist vechile mission. posible, it could be that if u have a full squad them your system has 2 hall ass 2 keep up with all the changinge vaiables, both for u and all the opponents...meaning u may neeed RAM
It says that u onllly need 64mb but in all fairness i bet they have atleast 256 when testing...also hd speed and video cards play a roll. HDs....If you read the readme file (when u feel as if your have gotton no where, and all else fails)we find that BOS accesses your hard drive alot, and it says that we should defrag our HD before playing, (fasted way is 2 boot in safe mode and defrag then reboot) personaly it dosent help me, it mayhelp the rest of you though, i only have a P3 450, 64mbRAM, 6GbHDD, with a Vodoo 3 2000AGP. In the read me it says that tactics has a problem with the VD3 and the mouse pointer, but i think it runs deeper than that....i havent placed a fan on mine yet but they recomend that you do..(tomorrows job along with some more ram) + installing the latest driver for them (and any other hardware)I my self an also not trusting that version of directX they have bundled with the game, get a newer version, or older version...and seeing it that helps. Also running BOS on a different opeating system may cause a change? i dont know, cause im still in the testing stage.....any way on 2 point 2
2) The game/in and out
Fallout series was renownd for its jumpness/stutters with in play...this is because it was coded bad...now dont get me wrong the whole serries kicks major ass, but time has been the main factour here. u see when u make these games u have 2 stick 2 a time table and budget...now we all get impatient and want them 2 quickly make the full games so we can play....but we all are lookingwrong thyneed 2 take there time... and at the moment tose guys need a break) so let tehm have there rest and let us try and figue out the problems for them for a change. Lets all put are heads 2gether and figure out the problems and give them constructive feed back...that way the patch may be the final one (hopefull)...and we can wait a while for this one cant we?????
I know i can. So in conclusion, we need to help each other, and work this out cause i know this will be a kick ass game...wwe just have 2 be patient....now im going test uot some new theroies that i have had while wrighing this and i want u do try some help both me and u, by testing some of your own...and reporting back in this post any/all of your finds here as a reply.
Thank you for taking your time 2 read this, an i hope on the not 2 near future we can all be satisefied with the new final version of tactics
1) Crashes
I my self have the main crash in the frist vechile mission. posible, it could be that if u have a full squad them your system has 2 hall ass 2 keep up with all the changinge vaiables, both for u and all the opponents...meaning u may neeed RAM
It says that u onllly need 64mb but in all fairness i bet they have atleast 256 when testing...also hd speed and video cards play a roll. HDs....If you read the readme file (when u feel as if your have gotton no where, and all else fails)we find that BOS accesses your hard drive alot, and it says that we should defrag our HD before playing, (fasted way is 2 boot in safe mode and defrag then reboot) personaly it dosent help me, it mayhelp the rest of you though, i only have a P3 450, 64mbRAM, 6GbHDD, with a Vodoo 3 2000AGP. In the read me it says that tactics has a problem with the VD3 and the mouse pointer, but i think it runs deeper than that....i havent placed a fan on mine yet but they recomend that you do..(tomorrows job along with some more ram) + installing the latest driver for them (and any other hardware)I my self an also not trusting that version of directX they have bundled with the game, get a newer version, or older version...and seeing it that helps. Also running BOS on a different opeating system may cause a change? i dont know, cause im still in the testing stage.....any way on 2 point 2
2) The game/in and out
Fallout series was renownd for its jumpness/stutters with in play...this is because it was coded bad...now dont get me wrong the whole serries kicks major ass, but time has been the main factour here. u see when u make these games u have 2 stick 2 a time table and budget...now we all get impatient and want them 2 quickly make the full games so we can play....but we all are lookingwrong thyneed 2 take there time... and at the moment tose guys need a break) so let tehm have there rest and let us try and figue out the problems for them for a change. Lets all put are heads 2gether and figure out the problems and give them constructive feed back...that way the patch may be the final one (hopefull)...and we can wait a while for this one cant we?????
I know i can. So in conclusion, we need to help each other, and work this out cause i know this will be a kick ass game...wwe just have 2 be patient....now im going test uot some new theroies that i have had while wrighing this and i want u do try some help both me and u, by testing some of your own...and reporting back in this post any/all of your finds here as a reply.
Thank you for taking your time 2 read this, an i hope on the not 2 near future we can all be satisefied with the new final version of tactics