Throwing skill: Slayer or Sniper perk?


First time out of the vault
I know the throwing skill isn't that great, but does it counts as "ranged weapon", i.e. it is affected by Sniper/Bonus rate of fire etc.?

Or perhaps it's an HtH attack, in which case, it would be modified by Slayer/Bonus HtH attack/HtH invade etc.?
Plasma grenades are really useful though, that's one thing it has going for it. Although I never tag it or raise it very high.
Yes. I was considering not tagging throwing, but pumping it up. Sounds dumb, according to the main walkthrough. However, fighting hubologists, you get like 7-8 of these suckers a fight. Could be nice for a melee build, no? things are rough towards the end, and crowds can be rough if not using powerfist but like weapons instead.

I collected like 70 plasma grenades rather quickly leveling up. thats an enormous amount of damage total if you get them in a cluster.