Tile Data


Where'd That 6th Toe Come From?
I need to make advanced info for the tiles. I already have them classified by -3, -2, -1, 0, 1 , 2 , 3, and roof.

But I feel as if there should be more data needed if I want to make a somewhat complex game.

Can you suggest something?
Forgotten Knight said:
Are you talking about fo2 tiles? Can you define each type?

I am looking for a new map editor. There is already things to edit fo2. The whole point of making everything fresh with "modern technological code babble ", is to have a revitalized game to play.

But based on Fallout.
So you want to know a recomendation for how to make tiles in a new game with a different engine?

i've found some interesting articals a while ago on tile geometry by using google, cant remeber the site though. It was something about pixel editing as well so try searching on 'pixel tile geometry' or something.

Also the FIFE wiki has some articals on various methods of using tiles (square or diamoind)
Wild_qwerty said:
So you want to know a recomendation for how to make tiles in a new game with a different engine?

i've found some interesting articals a while ago on tile geometry by using google, cant remeber the site though. It was something about pixel editing as well so try searching on 'pixel tile geometry' or something.

Also the FIFE wiki has some articals on various methods of using tiles (square or diamoind)

The size and shape of the tile is just a preference really. You can make a picture of a smiley and draw a square grid to cover it. It would be the same as the diamond grid once it is actually pieced together.

What matters is how you draw the tiles. It is the perspective you make when the tiles are placed is what gives that depth look.

So really there is no special thing you must have for the depth you see in games like fallout. It is just the same as looking at it on a piece of paper.

It is about the perspective you use.

I checked out their stuff. I could not find a screen shot that had details of tile data.

Currently I am working on the tile editor. You can launch by the T.E. by using the drop down menu from the startup Map Editor.

Click JumpTo: at the top & then -> Click "Tile Editor"

The tile editor is setup so you can choose the layer the tile is for.
-3, -2, -1, 0, 1 , 2, 3

then you can checkoff the checkboxes for whatever options apply to the tile.


:mrgreen: K, now I am just asking what other data should the Tile's have?
oh so by the tile layer you are meaning that the ground might be 0 and the roof of a house would be 1 for example?

I'm not sure if you would also want a 'trigger script' tile that when the player stood there it would run a certian script
Wild_qwerty said:
oh so by the tile layer you are meaning that the ground might be 0 and the roof of a house would be 1 for example?

I'm not sure if you would also want a 'trigger script' tile that when the player stood there it would run a certian script

Triggers for the tile might be over doing it. And could slow be down unnecessarily.
You mean the flags, Tactics has flags like

- NO stand on
- Can walk through
- Objects can fall through
- Weapons can fire through

- NO walk through
- Weapons can fire through.
- Provides a fraction of cover.

- Gives bonus cover
- This flag is only used if either window or ethereal are set.

Plus there's Trellis which is similar to window but doesn't provide cover (such as a chain link fence).