Tim Cain interview


Carbon Dated and Proud
Troika Chronicles have posted an interview with good old Timmy (Tim Cain), where he talks about Troika's future and past and also this little snibblet:<blockquote>Q: Your name became widely known with the release of Fallout and to this day many fans believe that you are the only one who can bring us another "true" Fallout game. Now that the Black Isle Studios at Interplay are closed and Van Buren/Fallout 3 was canned in favor of an action-RPG title for the PS2 and XBOX, many Fallout fans fear that there won't be any "true" Fallout games in the future. Would you like to buy the Fallout license from Interplay to do another Fallout?

Tim: I would like to buy it, but Interplay is not offering it for sale right now, and I doubt I could afford the license even if they did offer it. As an alternative, I would be up for developing Fallout 3 with Interplay.</blockquote>Auukey, hope that Troika gets more to say than IPLY if they can get this going..
Link: Troika Chronicles interviews Tim
Spotted at RPGCodex.
If they just wait until the POS sequel tanks and Interplay comes to the conclusion that the license is worthless (and not that they are just making shitty games) I'll bet he could buy it off them for pennies.
Arent there any ways of sharing the license - kinda, we make our shitty POSes and you can try to make your worthless PC only cRPGs? For IPLY in its current financial and moral (console only) state it would be reasonable and, maybe, even profitable. But thats just theory, I have no deep understanding of economics and franchise thingies - not my speciality really - but from my point of view it would make sense.

And, by the road, are there any data concerning the acctual profit of FoPOS so far? Are they in pluses or minuses with the project at least?
Funny, just the other night I was thinking Troika and maybe even Silver Styles could pitch in and work with Interplay to turn out Fallout 3 (recruiting the Van B staff for this project).
Personally, even though I love Fallout, I'd rather see Tim and company create a new PA CRPG world. I'd rather not see Tim et al be creatively restrained during development. In fact , it doesn't even have to be PA. Any new sci-fi world would be a fresh breath of air. Hopefully, Troika gets the chance to do something new for the CRPG market - its' pretty dry out there right now.
Puuk said:
Personally, even though I love Fallout, I'd rather see Tim and company create a new PA CRPG world. I'd rather not see Tim et al be creatively restrained during development.

I was thinking the same thing when I read the headline. I can understand him wanting to make a new Fallout enough to consider working with Interplay, but it's depressing to hear that people are still willing to work for Interplay even knowing how badly they screwed you guys over. Never mind that the whole reason he quit Iplay (from what I gather) was because of creative restraint - if he thought Fargo was bad, how could he even consider working for Caen? As much as I'd love for him to do another Fallout, under the circumstances I'd much rather have Troika come up with something original.
I'll agree. It's easy to see that with Interplay involved with any part of the development process that it would be questionable. Interplay could impose certain conditions, and undoubtedly the game would have to suffer through Interplay's laughable QA methods as well as the modern PC mentality of release now, patch later, which Interplay has been one of the largest examples of that problem.

They should work on their own setting, whether sci-fi or post-apoc (or perhaps a post-apoc of a different sort than nuclear weapon disaster, maybe something like Dawn of the Dead), as it would give them their own property. Much like Silver Style could stand to do the same, except they don't have the proven ability to do something that in-depth but tries to dry hump Fallout's name through brick walls anyways.

At first I thought Tim and Co. would be able to make another Fallout, but Interplay's execs proved themselves far too stupid to notice a bad idea under their own noses with F:POS and F:POS2, a bad idea of their own making in eating roses to turn them into shit.

I hate to say it...but now it seems like making another Fallout would be like beating a dead horse, so to speak.

I'd much rather see a *new* kind of CRPG, in a new world. As much as I love Fallout...it just wouldn't be Fallout without the whole of BIS working on it - and Interplay would manage to fuck it all up, somehow.

Rosh said:
They should work on their own setting, whether sci-fi or post-apoc (or perhaps a post-apoc of a different sort than nuclear weapon disaster, maybe something like Dawn of the Dead)

Indeed. PA doesn't neccessarily mean nuclear war...Hell, you don't even need to explain it. That's why I love the "Dead" films...it's an apocalyptic world, and the most frightening things are happening...yet no one knows why.
I agree entirely. The less you actually know about the cause, the more the imagination is stirred to fill the blanks. Just so long as there is enough to kindle it at the start. The original Star Wars series managed to do this very well with the idle references to the clone wars.

Besides, any apocalypse is more likely to occur over the space of decades or even centuries rather than in a moment. Even with nuclear weapons. So if it occurs over a hundred years, nobody will really know exactly what happened. Some might argue that it has already started.
All PC Software

The All, All, ALL PC Software Rant Churns The Pot To Skim The Cream!

... the modern PC mentality of release now, patch later, ...

All, all. ALL, PC software off the shelf is CRIPPLE-WARE until you download the patch.

Nero 6 will NOT work out of the box in XP no matter which service pack is installed. Some feature WILL fail until those 50 plus megs are downloaded.

Roxio burner software is absolutely the WORST because it's install will disable XP and the idiots will deny you the patch because you can't recall some 3 year old password. It appears to be a crime to own, no we don't OWN it we RENT it; you are penalized by Roxio, and others, for TRYING TO DO BUSINESS WITH THEM.

So the game biz are sweet hearts if the game is leg dragging, mouth drooling, out of the box dis-functional with less than a 20 mg patch.

Let I'play be the master of it's a-bate-ment.

Any time not being manipulated by the "smart money" at I'play, "might" be used for a few hours of QA so that patch arrives before the reviewers savage the software for game killing bugs.

Consider the advantages of owning the intellectual property rather then RENTING. And, if the game plot premise is strong enough the movie sharks might bite.

May you all be that lucky.

Consider owning the cow, ... boy-z-s.

And with broadband becoming prevalent, developers may get lazier with bug-catching sice it only takes a few seconds for a few Mbs of data to be downloaded.

MMORPGs are the biggest criminals - my roommates installed FFXI and sat there for three hours while the game patched itself to a playable state.
MrMarcus said:
And with broadband becoming prevalent, developers may get lazier with bug-catching sice it only takes a few seconds for a few Mbs of data to be downloaded.

MMORPGs are the biggest criminals - my roommates installed FFXI and sat there for three hours while the game patched itself to a playable state.

It's a feature. It allows the player to read the manual, evacuate their bowels, eat (maybe not in that order), read websites that give character tips and hints, and build up excitement to actually play the game. Yeah, it's a feature. :P
[OT]Puuk... since you are in EA's payroll now...
Maybe you could say what the fuck did you guys smoke when doing Battlefield Vietnam? Particularly the American Heavy Assault class?
Mad Larkin said:
[OT]Puuk... since you are in EA's payroll now...
Maybe you could say what the fuck did you guys smoke when doing Battlefield Vietnam? Particularly the American Heavy Assault class?

I'll let you know as soon as I play it. I just got my copy yesterday. And the team that developed it didn't share what they were smoking - which upsets me. People need to learn to share.