Time Limit?

Sir Frank

First time out of the vault
Ok, with the latest restoration mod installed, is my time to locate the GECK limited?? I've played this game through at least 10 times and part way another 10 times. In all I've had to go to the Enclave to rescue the survivors of the village. From what I've been reading I can plant seeds now to stave of the village dying for a bit but the game will end if I don't get the GECK?? What the hey??
In the past I've enjoyed doing most of the quests and not go to the Enclave until I'm level 50 or higher. Is this no longer possible?
Fallout 2 is still my all-time-favorite, and I have played a LOT of RPGs in my last 25 years! Thanks in advance.
There is a time limit until you get the GECK. However, there is no time limit to rescuing the villagers from the Enclave.
Yeah, I think the biggest thing that tend to lose new players is the time limit missions the player is immediately given in FO1/2.
There is no timelimit in Fallout 2? Only the standard 13 year limit as far as I know and that can be disabled with Timeslip's sfall, as example.