Timeline/rules/intrest thread for Red raven alpha

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John B.

Look, Ma! Two Heads!
Welcome to the alpha prison complex, where inmates and guards live together under the strict rule of The warden, and his red armored goons, the year is 2077, the inmates are sealed in for life, and no one ever get's out alive. Join the lowly inmates, in there fight to survive the prisons harsh conditions, or join the RR's as they crush every shred of hope in the soulless inmate populace, not even a nuclear war could stop the red ravens reign of terror.

[spoiler:809df88c99]October 1st 2076 The construction of prison complex alpha, located on the outskirts of riverbend OH, is finally completed after five years of setbacks, sabotage, and strange fires.

October 6th- 22nd, 2076 A steady stream of convicts, although there charges , race age and sex range, the one thing that they all serve in common is there life sentences.

February 1st 2077: the Decker riots, Begin with the death of warden Thomas Decker

February 12th 2077: Red Raven security force is formed

February 14th 2077: 200 inmates, are viciously slaughtered, by the Red Ravens, and order is restored.

August 12th-24th, 2077: New plague becomes the favored method of excitation.

October 19th 2077: the story begins

Give your thoughts/post characters.


Long story short (you can read the long version in the spoiler if you want.): Post your character here, try to follow the heading format that is preset, have fun, use common sense, don't make yourself overpowered/control others actions, and have fun, that's what rp's are for.

This rp is being made as a sort of experiment, to show what would happen if an extremely large prison complex was cut off from the rest of the world, so I need it to be taken seriously, play your characters as you would act in the situation presented.

You could be a member of prison staff, one of the Red Ravens, or an inmate, but please pick the one that best suits you.

There is a limit of two characters per person, no more unless you check with me first.

Please I cannot stress enough the importance of placing a heading to your posts, a proper heading should in most likely look like this:

Who: [people involved in the post, would go here]
Where: [Here you would put the location/locations that the post is taking place in]
When: [this is where the time that the post is taking place would be put please use the Day Month Year format, and only advance the time within reason]

I do not want to see posts for this rp in which you control someone else actions. An example of the aforementioned would be telling a player what is happening to there character, no one likes a god-moder, on the same not I would like if we could avoid killing Player characters, it's ok if you kill one or two NPC's sometimes, but no slaughtering of tons of npc's or killing off a player character, without contacting me, and the player in control of said character.

Sorry for the long list of rules and such, but as I'm hosting this rp on two sites I need to make the rules clear as to avoid confusion, the two sites are the no mutants allowed forum ( http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=4 ), and ongoing worlds ( http://www.ongoingworlds.com/games/134) , I will be keeping track of everyone's characters using the latter of the two sites (ongoing worlds), and hope this all goes well.[/spoiler:809df88c99]

Characters (posted here, and on ongoing worlds):

Jake M
[spoiler:809df88c99]Full Name: Jake Micheals

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Group: Red Ravens
Jake is son of warden Micheals, his mother Dian Francesco was the prisons head nurse, but was killed in the initial riot outbreak, but due to the illegitimacy of his parents marriage, his relation to Warden Micheals, as well as his last name are kept secret, to all but the top medical staff.
Jake is more or less Warden micheals chauffeur, he is also in charge of delivering the corpses of the fallen inmates to the body preparation chamber.
Physical Appearance
His tall stature, large muscles, and red hair set him apart from most of the people in the facility.
PC [/spoiler:809df88c99]

Inmate 241-F
[spoiler:809df88c99] Full Name: Isra Caliel
Gender: Female

Age: 28

Group: inmate
Isra was born with an odd genetic defect. Gold colored eyes, and longer canines than normal. As she grew, it became apparent that it wasn't only physical changes - she had a very distinct personality, one which could only be linked to Wolves. Many doctors, psychiatrists and medical ones tried to cure her, but even gene therapy failed. It wasn't long before she hit her teens, and her wolf heritage came to the forefront, causing her to lash out when people treated her badly. This even lead to her tearing out several men's throats out with her bare hands. Of course, the chain continued with police that tried to apprehend her.

Now, she's trapped in this isolated prison, with other people that would gladly tear out a throat without hesitation.
Inmate - She's something of a peacekeeper though, believing herself to be an Alpha Wolf, in more than the psychological sense. She's caused the deaths of several other inmates, but she's been kept around because of her peacekeeping efforts.
Physical Appearance
Isra reaches a staggeringly average 5'6" in height, but her mess of tangled brown/grey hair adds an inch or two. Her elongated canines only really show through when she smiles, but she also has more pronounced cheekbones to go along with that. Finally, her golden colored eyes definitely make her stand out.
PC [/spoiler:809df88c99]

Inmate 109-H
[spoiler:809df88c99] Nickname: Gadget

Gender: Male

Age: 31

Group: inmate
Gadget's real name is unknown, as he doesn't like to talk about his past. He doesn't like to talk much at all in fact. He remains stoic and quiet, content to look like he's just passing the time until his release, although really his mind is actively thinking up ways to escape from the prison.
Gadget likes to make devices or implements that will allow him to either escape from prison or make his life easier while he's there. He's also tried making weapons before, but the guards always confiscate these from him.
The rumor is that Gadget used to be an Engineer within the military, as he has has an incredible knowledge of how to make dangerous things. But nobody knows this for certain.
Physical Appearance
Gadget is tall and lanky. He wears broken glasses made up from two separate pairs that have been wired together in the middle. He attaches different lenses into these frames to help him work on the fiddly gadgets and devices he makes.
Player [/spoiler:809df88c99]

The Warden
[spoiler:809df88c99]Full Name: Tohmas Warden Micheals

Gender: Male

Age: 38

Group: Other
A tall sinister man, who enjoys personally torchering inmates, coming up with new methods of excitation. Not much is known as most who held his information have had "accidents"
The most strict warden to ever stain the halls with the blood of the inhabitants, was the founder of the red ravens.
Physical Appearance
Tall, slim, dressed in one of the finest tux's money can buy, and shoes coated in a special non-stick formula, and always has his special made M1903 strapped to his back.
NPC [/spoiler:809df88c99]
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